Messages 2022

Will Write a Book About Life on His Planet Through Al

July 19th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Greetings to all on the Earth plane. I am Orion. I have been with this instrument for the morning as he prays and goes about his business. We have had some communications together. We may collaborate on writing a book or pamphlet about what it is like to live on my planet. The reason for this is that it may provide a template for what is to come on your planet as the laws are the same, are they not? God has created harmony and consistency throughout the universe. In order to bring harmony to this world of yours, there is a need to follow those laws and be in harmony with them.

You live in such a different world, my friends. I’ve observed this instrument dealing with various material and mechanical efforts and engagements that can be readily done with the mind rather than all of the mechanical instruments and implements that you use. It will make a great difference in how humanity will walk upon your Earth plane in time for they will be able to use the instruments of the mind and the soul to deal with the material challenges of life and demands. This will create more harmony and less intrusion upon the material world and the functioning of the material world. There are many other things I might talk about today but I will reserve this for the time when we are engaged in writing with this instrument and myself and others.

The power of the gift of what you call Direct Voice will be greatly utilized by us and by your angel friends and high spirits to communicate with the world. It is far easier for us to travel in our spirit body to your world than to use mechanical means. If we are able to utilize the energies and chemistry of successful materialization, or Direct Voice as you call it, then we are economizing greatly on the efforts that we may make to come and be with you on this planet. Of course, your spirit friends and angel friends have no other means than to manifest in this way. So, they will in time. I wish to encourage you, my friends, to consider the journey toward this time and the development of these gifts so that they may be utilized for the benefit of humanity.

There is much that we wish to share, to show you the way toward greater harmony on this Earth plane. Much of what we wish to share will be of a material nature in regard to your spirit bodies and your capacities of the spirit mind and the soul mind. As you may consider, your spirit friends and angel friends will be focusing on moral and spiritual progression so that humanity is capable of conducting itself in a way that is in harmony with God’s Laws. Of course, the great gift and Truth of Divine Love will be the focus of many to share with humanity.

My beloved friends, there is much work for you to do at present to prepare yourselves, to be in that condition of light, of soul awakening so that you may be used readily for the purposes that I have described, for you cannot go from zero to one hundred instantaneously. You must graduate up to that level, that high level of gift and expression. Many of you continue to be embroiled in the material world and allow this as a priority and necessity in your life. Yet, if you were to apply much of what you have learned already and what has been given to each of you in teachings from Jesus and many others, including myself, you would find that your material life would be simplified and easier to navigate. Though you may not receive all the material benefits that your mind might imagine and desire, you would know a great joy within your heart and find that the simplicity that would come would be far more desirable than the complexity of a life engaged in the human condition and all its demands.

I am not suggesting that you would hide away from the world, but that as you walked in the world, there would be a greater flow of love, harmony, and light so that your interactions, that which you experience in life would be more fulfilling and more filled with light. Is this not the great goal for humanity, to live a life that is in greater harmony and is an expression of simplicity yet fulfillment? You, my precious friends, must be an example, a forerunner for this. I know it is not easy to find your way because in most cases, your minds still dominate and still rule your decisions and your perceptions. So, it is a great challenge to find your way beyond these conditions, the materialism of life and the materialism of the mind toward spiritual aspects so deep within you that are growing and brightening with every day as you continue to pray and seek God to uplift you and transform you with His Love.

I urge you forward, my friends, to seek for the highest, to seek for the development of your soul in all its beauty and complexity and wonder. Oh, your soul has such great potential, and is slowly coming alive as the living waters are nurturing it, causing the buds to form and colour and open into blossom. How magnificent is God’s creation? How magnificent are each of you and all of humanity? We see this great potential in every soul that walks this world. Yet, the vast majority do not see this for themselves or each other. It is for you to open your eyes, my friends, to truly see, to truly acknowledge who you are, and to put aside those well-worn and irrelevant ideas and perceptions of who you are.

The mind continues to assert itself and insist upon certain paradigms of thought. Yet, you know reflexively, instinctively, and soulfully that often many of these thoughts are distorted or in outright error. Yet you cling to these things because you are reinforcing the human condition. In so doing, you draw to you the dark thoughts, negativity, and error that are infused in the air that you breathe. Wherever you walk, wherever you are in the world, it is there waiting to find its inflowing into your mind influencing and directing it so as to redirect the intention of God in your lives.

I am not criticizing you, my friends, for you are human. So it is, as you are part of the imperfections and vulnerabilities of humanity. In many ways, this has given you a great gift, for you understand the struggles of the human race. You understand the problems, the error, and the pain that comes with life on your Earth. Yet we, and so many others, surround you and encourage you to step beyond that place. For, would you not agree that you have had a thorough education in these things and it is time to move beyond them, to let go, to be strong in love and light and harmony and truth? This is what you pray for, my friends. We pray for this for you as well. But as always, your free will choice will determine every moment of your life. So, you must choose light if you are to truly be a part of this effort, this venture to help shift the consciousness of humanity toward something higher and greater and more beautiful and filled with love, filled with truth.

So, I urge you to consider your thoughts for the moment and how those thoughts lead to other thoughts leading to other thoughts. Depending on your choice, they may lead upward or downward toward light or darkness. The choice is always with you because you are the captain of your destiny, your thoughts, and your efforts. You must take responsibility as every soul must take responsibility for these things. Too many walk the world asleep and are unwilling to take any responsibility for what comes to mind and what comes to action in their life. This is a great and unfortunate condition that continues to sustain darkness and error.

Indeed, disciplining the mind is an important element of anyone’s spiritual progression. I urge you to consider the responsibility that you carry in doing so, to be aware and not respond reflexively to a situation or condition, one that enflames the emotions and may bring judgment and negativity but to consider with wisdom and grace and love, all that you do, and apply the truth of these things to your life. In this way, you will find great relief from these conditions, a great joy in the light that you will bring to yourself, and a beautiful flow of love that will invariably express through you as you walk in the world.

Each of you knows these things of which I speak. These things have been spoken to you many, many times. I merely reinforce the truth that is evident and clear. I urge you to consider the power that you carry to choose light or darkness, to choose truth or error. When one lives a simple life, one that is not cluttered by all the complexities and expressions, the imaginations and projections of men and women upon this earthly condition, to be free of these things is to make that great step forward toward truth which will come from your Creator, from the Source of All Truth given the receptivity of your soul, the opening of both soul and mind to that which is in harmony, that which is true and of the highest caliber of truth.

Each of you is capable of knowing and experiencing this condition of truth because within you are the ways in which you may discern it and know it. Your soul will signal the acknowledgment of the truth. Go to that place where this may happen rather than cluttering your mind with many ideas and thoughts that are half-truths at best. Go to your soul. Express your desires in prayer to God. Express the desire for His Love, for on the wings of Love comes Truth, for with the power of Love comes insight, clarity, and harmony. These things are all available to you because you truly understand the Laws of Love and how they are activated by prayer and action and thought.

Be in harmony with these laws, my friends. Seek for the highest and we will truly accomplish our goals together. You will find events and manifestations truly remarkable and wonderful in your life. Be of great faith. Be true to your soul. Be true to God. All else will come with this, my friends. We continue on this journey together always, together with your angel friends, together with each other as you support and uphold one another on this great and wondrous path of love.

Blessings to you. Thank you for your time in prayer and listening. Much love to you all. I am Orion. God bless you.