Messages 2022

Our Thoughts are Very Powerful and Manifest in the World

March 8th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Keea Atta Kem and I come to speak of the power of thought. Humanity does not understand nor realize how powerful their thoughts can be and how powerfully an influence upon the Earthly plane your thoughts have become.

Whether they be thoughts of love or thoughts that are dark, they are manifest upon this Earth, not in a material way but indeed these thoughts affect the material and the spiritual. They affect everything and that is why it is important for you to monitor your thoughts and to use your will and discipline to bring your thoughts into alignment with all that is in harmony with God’s creation and with love.

In this way, you add to the atmosphere in positive and powerful ways that will help neutralize the darkness that is so prevalent here. It is important for you to understand all the aspects of your being, all those things that are a part of you that are not only servants of your life and being in the world but are also progenitors of energies and conditions in the world. The highest inclination and desire and thought is that of prayer for the Father’s great Love, to open yourself to this gift and receive it. So that it may indeed influence all that you are and all that you can be in such a way that all is in harmony and all is expressed in the highest form and nature in which it was created.

It is important to see yourselves as light, even though you may be reactive and responsive to conditions that are not of light but to make that choice to step forward in this way, to be a channel of light, to be in synchronicity with light and all that is of light. Without your conscious embracing of light, you will be and are subject to the dark conditions of the world. When your thoughts, choices, actions and desires are for the highest and when you reject the human condition as something you are not a part of, then you become a powerful channel of light for the world. I ask you to consider this as you live moment by moment and exercise the power of your own free will as an expression of your being in the world.

You come together in prayer for the world and for your own well being and the well being of those you love and those you know are in need of blessings. These moments are sacred and indeed you put forth your thoughts and intentions to bring light, to ask God to bring His light and His touch upon them. Yet this is only one part of your day. Every part of your day can benefit from prayer and higher intentions so that you may slough off those conditions that are not bringing harmony or empowering you to be a channel of light. Walk in the power and glory and love and joy of God’s touch. In this way, you are light. In this way, your soul and your minds are together in light and you become a great channel for all that is meant for God to use and to express through you.

So many opportunities are available to each of you, if you but allow yourselves to be in harmony with all that is good, with all that is in God’s love and His laws of love. Be at peace my beloved souls and know that each time you reach for light, every time you ask God to bless you in light, every time you beseech God to assist you in your challenges and to navigate through the world, you have an angel by your side and you have God’s touch empowering light around you and within you. It is there for the asking. It is there when you make that choice and when you decide to be a channel in light, to walk in light, to be light.

May this blessing come to you each and every moment and may you feel the upliftment, the joy and the beauty of God’s love for you and His blessings upon you, beloved souls. I am Keea Atta Kem and I am with you. My love is great for each of you. Beloved friends upon the Earth we walk in light together and seek love together and seek to serve God together. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.