Messages 2022

Our Soul’s Unique Journey to God

September 14th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May the blessings of God’s Love continue to awaken your souls, my friends; I am Ann Rollins. I have not spoken often through this instrument, but you know of me through the books of Padgett and how I came to speak to him and to the world, of the Truths of God’s Love. I do not come often to the Earth because I am engaged in helping those spirits who begin their journey toward light and are in spheres of a measure of light, and so I encourage them upon their journey to greater light.

I come to you, my friends, many of whom are of light within their souls and our continuing your journey towards greater light within. I want to remind you that when you embark upon this journey of your soul’s awakening in God’s Love, that often you are not aware of the progress that you make. Because of the duality of your consciousness, that of the soul and that out of the mind, it is often difficult for you to truly be aware of your soul’s communication and your soul’s condition.

It seems like your soul is like a distant cousin that speaks to you on occasions but is not truly in sync with your consciousness and your everyday activities. This is why we encourage you in prayer, for as you pray and shift slightly from your mindful condition, so you become aware of your soul, the communications of your soul and the thoughts and feelings of your soul. For the thoughts of the soul are very different from that of your mind. Yet in prayer, are you not reaching out to God, and because your soul has the ability to relate and communicate with God, so the soul is able to receive God’s messages and His guidance for you. This does not come in words, but in feelings and visions and a sense that relates to your mind that which is of God communicating with you. I urge you to practice and continue to practice these prayers of longing and desire of the soul. For as you do so, so you will be more familiar and you will feel closer and more attuned to your own soul, and of course attuned to God’s Soul.

This is the journey, the journey to your soul, the journey to that place that has been hidden for so long in your life and is hidden to most upon the world, and yet you are on a journey to discover your soul, to seek it and to know it. And we come close to assist you in this awakening to a new way, a new consciousness that is beautiful, a beautiful gift from God, given to you in joy and love and acknowledgment that you are truly His child. May you come to that place of acknowledgment and consciousness where God exists and you exist together with your Creator in this place, this holy sanctuary within you.

In this way you will come to know your true worth in the eyes of God. You will come to see the true blessing that you are. Indeed, you will come to know the gifts and blessings of your soul expressed and alive in the awakening of love. This is the journey that every soul takes who truly wants to be with God. They may not begin as clearly and succinctly as you who know the truths of God’s Love, who understand the nature of the journey, but indeed, every soul who longs for God will come to this understanding in time.

I urge you to speak to your brothers and sisters and tell them of this journey. Tell them of the awakening of the soul and how magnificent a journey it is to be aware, to know the joy and feel the depths of this blessing. For it is a thing that will change your life and change everything about your life and about you. Each journey is unique to you as God has a path laid out for you to follow. How magnificent is God in His capacity to be close to each one of us and to guide us accordingly. How blessed we are to be able to know God in this way, to have a soul that has a capacity and ability to truly know God and to feel God’s Love in all its wonderment, and to respond to this blessing with joy, a deep joy that is everlasting and eternal.

How blessed we are, my friends, upon such a magnificent journey How blessed we will be as this journey carries us through all eternity, growing in joy, growing in love, growing in truth, growing in all things that are of God. So we will continue together, the great family of God’s Truth and Love. So we are brothers and sisters upon this journey.

May God bless us all deeply with this gift. May we continue to share our joy and truth with another and be in the grace of God, always. My beloved friends, know that I pray for you and at times I walk with you, and that I will continue to make every effort to lighten your load and to help you upon the path towards greater light and greater truth and greater love. I am your friend, I am with you, I am Ann Rollins and I love you. Each and every one a precious soul upon the path towards at-onement with God. God bless you, my beloved friends, God bless you.