Messages 2022
Reaching Out to the World
March 6th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I Clare once of Assisi now an inhabitant and a redeemed soul in the Celestial Heavens.
You who have been blessed with the love and grace of God you are the hope Your love rested in the hand of God brings hope, brings faith, compassion, and empathy for all. We acknowledge and honor every kindness, every story you tell about your interactions with those in need, those who have no hope, and all those who are troubled. All those times when you rose above your own condition allowing for your soul to reach their soul and bring them the Divine Love1 and all its gifts.
One does not need to be dogmatic or to overwhelm anyone with intellectual explanations. The simple knowledge that God’s love heals all changes all lifts every soul from darkness into light is enough.
So, I come to acknowledge your prayer and thank you for reaching out every day to the world. We are with you, and you never doubt that. May you go in peace and in the love of God. I am your sister in Christ. Clare.
Note 1 Loving them with the Divine Love