Messages 2022
Removing Spirit Entity Attachment
August 31st, 2022
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Blessings to you my friends, I am Seretta Kem. I have been here listening to your conversation and the aspects and elements of this work that you call lower entity removal. I say to you that there are different gradients or levels of this work. Some which are applied by those who are, shall we say, of a lower soul development, but can relate to the conditions and entities that they are working with. Therefore, they are quite successful in this work because of their psychic gifts, their mental bearing and beliefs. You, my beloved friends, wish to exercise this work from a higher perspective, one of the soul. I merely wish to comment that as you grow within your soul, so your perceptions of these things will change because the perceptions of your soul will grow and deepen. Therefore, you will see from a different perspective what the dynamics are in these conditions and what the energies and entities are pertaining to these conditions.
It is fine that you have certain constructs and beliefs and, what is primarily mental perspectives on what these entities are, as you call them. Yet in truth, they are either constructs of energy formulated by human thought and conditions, or they are actual spirits who are manifesting themselves in certain ways, thereby creating within the individual a perception of a creature or form, where you may believe this is their real form and expression. Yet, in reality, this is a projection of that spirit, or it is something that that spirit or some other spirit or mortal has created through their minds. As you well know, the mind creates and will manifest things through thought. There are many upon your Earth plane who have very dark thoughts and are not aware of what they are creating through those dark thoughts, though these creations manifest as a result.
I urge caution to anyone who attempts to deal with these conditions and manifestations. Indeed, it is important that you are not susceptible, nor can you take on these energies or open the door to the possibility of some attachment from a spirit. It is a very subtle and intricate work that requires deep wisdom and deep perception. One cannot enter into this work without being fully prepared and fully aware of what it is that they are dealing with and the purpose of this intervention.
Dear daughter, you have a great deal of wisdom. You understand that in removing these conditions around the individual does not guarantee that they will be freed from these conditions permenantly. You well understand that free will has a role to play in these situations. I also wish to encourage you to continue to teach the truth of love and the power of love to heal, and the power of love to insulate mortals from the dark conditions of the Earth. That with love, whether that be a clear and beautiful state of natural love around the individual or that of the Divine Love creating a light around the individual, there is an assurance that they will be protected, provided their thoughts are of the highest and of higher things.
As you have mentioned, dear daughter, that you are all human, and indeed through that condition of human nature there are highs and lows. There are conditions that are dark and conditions that are light. Of course, the conditions that are dark may open the door for darker entities to enter and influence the individual. The antidote to this is prayer. For as you know, within each of you there are conditions that you would wish were not present within you - thought conditions, biases, emotional conditions and encrustations around the soul. All of these things have the potential of drawing in darkness, drawing in dark spirits who will readily feed upon these conditions and help reinforce them.
Discipline of the mind, discipline in prayer, discipline in your intentions and your motivations all play their part in ensuring immunity from the darkness. This is a goal that I believe each of you have and many have who are upon this Divine Path. They wish for the higher road, they wish for higher truth, and they wish to be transformed by the great gift of Divine Love. So they will be granted these wishes and desires through the mechanisms they have been taught, through the ways that God provides for each individual. Yet, they cannot walk that road and walk the road of darkness simultaneously without paying the price. Each of you, in your own way, have experienced this duality, and at some point in your life, has walked these two roads. But you transition as you grow in Divine Love towards the road of Divine Love.
Prayer and love is the antidote to this duality and dilemma that so many face in your world, I would say that everyone faces in your world. You must teach this truth. You must help them to understand the dualities within them, and you must help them to have great compassion for themselves, and for the world. For in love, there is compassion. In love, there is forgiveness. In love, there is hope and faith towards that which is of light.
I urge you, my beloved friends, to have compassion for those who are suffering greatly by the dark conditions and forces in the world that are imposed upon them. So many are ignorant of what has been their lot and what has happened to them. It is for you to educate as you have well said, dear daughter. It is for all of you to educate your charges about the potentials of being influenced by dark conditions in the world. Each individual must awaken themselves to their own true condition and their own true motivations. Self-responsibility is very important. Understanding the power of free will and understanding the power of love is most important, as how the individual may utilize the power of love in many different ways, through many different circumstances, to neutralize the negative conditions and dark conditions that may be present. Each individual may have a toolkit of resources to deal with the darkness in the world. They may have an angel close to them, they may use prayer, they may use the understandings and knowledge that is given through many different sources. They may, through their will and desire, seek for the remedies that will come through prayer, through knowledge, through wisdom and through love.
I thank you for listening to me. I understand you are limited in your time. I hope I have covered much in this message. Indeed, there is much to be considered regarding these issues. I thank you, beloved souls, for taking seriously these issues. For they are indeed serious conditions in the world and require serious and powerful remedies in order to neutralize the darkness that is in this world.
May God bless you, beloved souls, in His Love, for the great remedy of the soul is God’s Love. May you walk fully and completely upon the Divine Path towards all that is truth and light and love. My love is with you. My love, blessings, presence, and support are with you. I am Seretta Kem. I am glad to be with you today. God bless you. God bless you all in love.