Messages 2022

The Hunger of the Soul

July 4th, 2022

Marietta Valley, Wisconsin, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

My dear brothers and sisters, I come in the love of God, your brother in Christ, Judas of Kerioth.

I have spent part of my day impressing upon this one some things that I wish to speak about, and he relaxed in the knowing.

I wish to talk about the hunger of the soul. On earth when one is hungry one is thirsty, they may visualize their desire for their favorite food, a tall glass of their favorite beverage, perhaps even a banquet. When one on earth his starving, they imagine any food to quell their hunger, any drink to parch their thirst. The hunger of the soul may lead one to explore the world of knowledge; all the different avenues of spirituality, philosophy, religion, science and let me say there are parallels in the spirit world for this kind of hunger. A soul who is starving is moved with their whole soul, their whole heart for a crust of Divine Love, for even a drop of the Living Waters. It is often a crisis that propels them to seek the love of God with all their heart, all their soul, as the Master requested. And so this is paramount to your progression, your transformation on earth as it is in the spirit world, on the journey to the fountainhead of God’s love in the Celestial kingdom, where you shall all one day dwell.

We shall continue to guide and nurture you. To give you hope when you are lost. To encourage faith when you are in doubt. To trust in the safety and oneness of this circle of light, this circle of love and your soul’s longings to be at One with your Creator.

I shall step back to be with you in God’s grace. I am you brother and eternal friend, Judas once of Kerioth, now an inhabitant and of the Celestial kingdom. God bless you.