Messages 2022
The Love of God puts a Song in Your Soul
January 27th, 2022
Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
My dear ones, my dear kind mice, I am your sister in the love of God, Clare.
I was with you as you were reading about the musical concert in the spirit world in the great amphitheater and the architecture of the colors and of the musical thought forms, although that is an inadequate description.
I wish to point something out. As those who were attending telling the story were seated outside the amphitheater for the purpose of being able to witness the entire spectacle they commented on, how no matter where you were seated, all could hear the music, all could imbibe of the sacredness. And so it is on the journey of love. As long as you come to the journey, come on the path, it matters not how near or far you are but only that your intention is pure. And whether you are at a great distance from what you feel is the center or in the midst of the Glory of God’s light, God’s Love is available It is music to your soul, a balm to your heart, to your wounds.
The more you open up, as some of you have discovered, the more you are able to receive a healing. And music fills the air in spirit just as oxygen fills the atmosphere on earth. It is fair to say that the love of God puts a song in your soul, each one changing and being written as you go, ever more beautiful, ever more magnificent, ever more orchestrated, and ever more able to reach out to the world in which you live.
So, let your souls be filled. Let your song be true and holy and full of forgiveness for all, including oneself, that you may progress each day closer to the Fountainhead of God’s love where all is light and nothing, but true happiness exists. Take this gift freely given from the Heavenly Father. Let it fill your soul and be your song.
With all my love and blessings, I am your sister in Christ. I am Clare of Assisi now a Celestial angel and truly your eternal friend. God bless you.