Messages 2022
The Seventh Sense
June 6th, 2022
Marietta Valley, Wisconsin, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ, your friend from the Celestial Kingdom in the Love of God, I come. I am Francis.
How does one make sense of a world that is seemingly in chaos with war, and poverty, so much anger and fear, so many Earth changes taking place, so many disruptions, so many homeless, so many hungry? One can ask, “How do I make sense of this?”
Humans are known to have five senses: seeing, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. When a human has an intuition or a perception beyond what is considered “the norm” of the five senses, this is sometimes referred to as having a sixth sense. The mystics talk about the sixth chakra from where they are able to perceive spirits, higher thoughts, and perceptions.
Then there is what I will call the seventh sense which is a soul perception. To you who pray for Divine Love, I tell you the way to have these soul perceptions is to pray to receive the Love of God and as you receive it and as it comes into each soul in greater and greater abundance, the soul perceptions are awakened and you begin to see, let us say, the light at the end of the tunnel. You begin to walk in a world permeated with so much darkness an illumined soul lighting the way. When you are in the mind you seek solutions. You can discriminate between hot and cold, light and dark, and make sense of all these things. You may study this or that philosophy, religion, hoping that your moral compass will help you to decide which way to go. Yet, when one possesses the love of God, faith comes in. A faith that lifts one up above the fear; a faith that brings discernment and a clarity where the soul informs the mind rather than the inverse. This is why we in the Celestial realms come to be with you, to guide you, to influence you to be in prayer for this, the greatest gift of all the Love of God, that your gifts may flourish, awaken, and help this world so bereft and so in need of Light and Love. So, pray, and then pray some more and allow this great gift to blossom that you may walk this world in the love of God and know we are with you.
I am your brother and friend in Christ, once from Assisi now an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom and a follower of the Master and your brother in Divine Love. I am Francis. May God bless you. May peace be upon you.