Messages 2022

This is a God-guided Venture

November 17th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am somewhat amused, it is your Professor Salyards. I see when you come to that place of decision, you often fall back onto the old and tried methods of deduction and intellectualism. I know intellectualism well for I was a university professor and teacher. I know the limitations of that and I know the benefits of it.

I say to you, my friends, when you come to make decisions such as this that is most assuredly God guided, rely upon your guidance, the sense of your soul, not that of your mind although certainly you will need your mind to realize the impressions and inspiration that you receive. Yet, you cannot do this dance forever around what is right and what you may think is right in terms of a decision to be made. You are being tested, are you not, around how you may approach these things that are indeed important but are not so much a business decision as they are a spiritual decision. In the realm of spirituality, do you not go to God, do you not ask for guidance? If you ask sincerely, even collectively, the power of your asking will bring the results,the information that you require.

I know you are open-minded. I know you understand the concepts of which I speak, but I see hesitancy and a lack of confidence in this process that is set before you. Did we not say in the very beginning that this would be a different approach to formulating and running this organization? That this is a God-guided venture and as such you need to be in alignment, to be true to that alignment with God, and true to your own soul. Do not waste your time in idle speculation but ask for that information that you need. I have no doubt that not only one but many of you will get the same guidance and can confirm this guidance with one another.

My friends, seek not the logical and mindful solution. Seek that place which is of the soul, those feelings and perceptions that come with this, for in the times to come you will be called upon many times to make decisions in this way, to go with your gut as you say rather than your head, to go with God’s Will rather than your own. To express yourselves in accordance to the truth that you know and the way that that truth may be expressed in your life, in your efforts, your ventures, in everything. It requires faith, requires prayer, requires all those things that are of God and those things that you know are of God.

You are not gathering people together to sell them a product or to give them a lesson or some other human venture. It is to celebrate the truth of God’s Love, though that be two of you together celebrating or two hundred. It matters not. What matters is the intention, the purpose, and focus. Do not add too much in the way of speculation and concern around this issue. Know that if this is God’s Will and all will flow accordingly and that those who are meant to be within this circle of celebration and light and love will no doubt come. No matter where that place may be where you celebrate, they will come for they will feel within their souls a great sense and desire to be a part of this.

Consequently, I would not worry overly about the venue. I would be more concerned about the reason why you are coming together, the motivations that bring you to entertain these thoughts and desires to come together. It is community, my friends, that you seek to build. Community comes with love, with acknowledgement and even flexibility of thought so that you include and embrace many.

May you be in harmony with all that which is of love, all that that engenders love, grows love, expresses love. In this way, the way and means of coming together will be obvious and clear. I encourage you to ask yourselves if you are in conflict, if you are in disagreement although I am sure these elements are not severe or difficult to overcome. If you are feeling ambivalence, then go to God, go to your Heavenly Father, and ask God what His desire is, His intention, His purpose to come together is at this time. You will find your way clearly, succinctly, purposefully.

These things will come because you have utilized the laws that will bring about the right responses, the right outcomes, that which is in harmony with God’s Will. I encourage you in your thoughts and speculations to simplify and to act with faith and clarity and prayerful intent. In this way all will come together as it should and will be. I have no doubt of this. As I said, I find it amusing that you travel around in circles often in your mind. This is not productive. Step forward and make your decision. If it is the wrong decision, you will know it soon enough. If it is the right decision, then you will have stepped forward and allowed the next step to take place, quickly and effectively.

May you be blessed and inspired in your efforts. May you come to know the Will of God always. May you truly come to recognize the purpose of your efforts together and be in alignment with it. In this way many wonderful things will take place and there will be a great flow of purpose, of blessings, joy, of experience, of many souls that you will contact and touch. God’s instruments, channels of light and love.

God bless you, my friends. I am your Professor Salyards. I am happy to be with you in your efforts as are many who are by your side, who continue to serve in love. So we are together, seeking the Will of God, to be in the flow of that Will and that Love where all is in harmony. All shall unfold in harmony with His purpose and plan. God bless you, my friends. My love is with you always. God bless you.