Messages 2022


August 20th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Greetings to you, beloved souls. I am Orion. I come once again to encourage you and to instruct you in these ways of development and the progression of our work together. You have found a unity together which is extremely important, to have harmony and love and acknowledgment of one of you to another for each of you is unique and each of you brings something unique to this circle. Indeed, in order to bring together something powerful and diverse in its qualities and abilities, then this diversity of personalities and gifts is important. It adds flavouring to the stew, so to speak. If you are, as a group, to reach out to many others, indeed this interesting combination of personalities will go far in reaching out to the diversity of the world.

Yes, we are creating something together. We are well along in this creation. You have laid the foundation for this structure through your prayers for Divine Love and together as a group while you sat in a circle of development not so long ago. You put up the superstructure of this creation so that it may be strong and functional. We have added much more as we progressed together for this time period. Now, the outside cladding is coming upon this structure. You may be surprised to learn that much of this cladding comes from the operations of your mind for it is not your soul that is the issue at the moment for your soul is well-prepared, my friends. Your soul has come along greatly in Divine Love. You are just on the verge of understanding and perceiving the many aspects of your soul that are at this time, awakening, coming to the fore of your consciousness. It is your mind that we are working on these days for the mind must be prepared. The mind must be cleansed. The mind must be disciplined. Those wayward thoughts, those distractions toward the material, those worries and cares and conditions that you have within you, that you are well aware of, that you know are inhibiting you, these are the things that need your attention.

Indeed, as you progress further, each section of this cladding will be added to this structure for it will be an appropriate addition rather than something that is inharmonious and a distraction from it. It is time to awaken more fully, not only in your soul but in your mind, to be well aware of your motivations, your thoughts, your judgments, your fears, all of those things which make you human. But indeed, you are striving toward something that is not altogether human. You are coming into the Divine, evolving like some beautiful caterpillar that pupates into a butterfly. So, these changes are happening within you. You have given up being a caterpillar. You are now in the pupal stage of your development.

Often this causes you to feel that you must retreat, you must go within, for yes, the changes are great. The restructuring of your entire being is happening now. You are feeling the stretching and pulling and pressures that come with this but it is necessary. It is necessary for you to embrace these changes and not resist them but to be fully within and know that in time you will be liberated from this struggle, this uncomfortable change that is happening within you. You will spread the wings of the soul to fly forth in thin air, and the air of love and light, and the air of God’s reality and God’s Will and God’s Love.

These things you will be more suited for, beloved souls. These things will be the sign that you are the carriers of truth, the perpetrators of love, the being of light. You will be beautiful, truly beautiful, my friends. So, continue with your work. We all continue in this great effort to be awakened and to awaken humanity. You are in the awakening process, my friends. You are continuing to know your true selves, continuing to manifest that transformative part that is your soul, imprinting upon every part of you that which is in harmony with God and that which is the creation of God enhanced and transformed by His Love. How wonderful is this process! What a miracle it is to be that creature transformed, to be that beautiful being in the light and truth and purity of love, expressing all the beauty of God’s creation through you and because you possess a soul, to be a channel of light and love in the world!

What that will become is far more than you can anticipate at this time, will be powerful, and will help others to find their way and become a butterfly. Soon the world will be filled with beautiful wings, coloured in love, free from the human condition and all that heaviness that every being in your world carries. You will show them how to fly and fly they will. In this way, releasing themselves from the conditions that hold the Earth in its dreadful state. As each emerges and detaches from this state, so, there is more possibility of transformation of the world as God pours His energies upon it, His blessings to bring back the harmony and balance of your world. To recreate the conditions necessary for humanity to thrive, all aspects of humanity to thrive, those things that are in harmony with God’s creation and God’s Will.

May you soar, beloved souls, soar in light and accept your new and transformed self and be joyful in this liberation and transformation. You are truly blessed, beloveds, truly, deeply blessed. May you continue to allow the great transformation to take place and emerge with all your desire and your will to become that beautiful creature that you are meant to be.

God bless you, beloved souls. I am Orion and I love you. God bless you.