Messages 2022

Walk in Faith

February 22nd, 2022

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here Care your sister in the love of God. I wish to say you need not trouble yourselves about the events of this world though you may feel helpless and that you have no control. You only need to send love to those leaders, to those countries. Consciously send this love.

What is courage? True courage depends on faith. When walking into the future if you have faith that God will provide and that we will procure safety for you and open the doors that you wish to walk through. And you need not cross every T and dot every i for as you walk in faith courage will be there and the doors will be opened. What is really asked of you is not to assume limitation. Not to assume negativity and know that all things are possible with God. Do you wish to continue to live in limitation? And in the perceived sense of safety clinging to that which has no real substance but gives one an imaginary sense of well-being.

Allow you heart to be open and God to light the way. Walk in faith and know that we who love you in the love of God are walking with you. As you keep this in your consciousness all things that you need, all that is required will manifest. Do not allow your fear to block a blessing but allow your faith to bring one. It is simple, so simple.

May God’s love be with you all and carry you into a glorious future. I love you. I am Care.