Messages 2022

We are Being Called to Leadership

August 17th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May God convey His Love to all of you, dear souls, and all who are in the spirit world surrounding you, and all in the world who are praying for the upliftment of humanity and for the harmonization of this world of yours, so in need.

I am Moses. I come to encourage you in your efforts to be leaders, to speak up in the world. It is time for this, my friends. It is time for each soul to hear the call from God, to awaken to His call, and to not only be in close rapport with their Heavenly Father, also to work together to bring the Truth of this Love to the world. For it is needed, as you are well aware. It requires effort on your part and on all those who are willing to step forward in this way.

Are you willing? Can you overcome the obstacles on your path? Can you walk in faith? My story of how I led my people was a story of faith, seeking to guide, to show the way to that place of safety and what would become their homes and their country. I did not do it alone, I did it with the help of angels and God’s guidance. So it is for you, my friends, to lead your brothers and sisters out of the wilderness of the darkening conditions of your world into light and the possibility of greater light.

Are you willing? Can you muster up the courage, the focus, and the desire to be God’s instrument in this way? For if you cannot speak up, then you keep this great truth to yourself and in so doing, you deprive your brothers and sisters of the ways and means by which they may open themselves to the Divine Path which will lead to at-onement with God. So very few know of this path, this way. So few are even aware of the longings of their soul and that they are destined to take a journey towards God, whether that be the journey that purifies their soul and makes them perfect, or the journey that awakens and transforms their soul and puts them upon an eternal journey.

Indeed, so many are unaware of the choices that are before them, the possibilities that can be within their lives and their journey of life. Beloved souls, embrace the Will of God. Allow God’s Will to work through you. In this way you will indeed express a quality of leadership, of truth that will reach many other souls. Although in your minds you consider that to bring this truth forward in its simple way and to walk the path that is guided by God, you are opening yourselves to the criticism and the rejection of others. But what if you gain many friends, many others who are willing to walk with you and to be with you on this journey? How wonderful that would be, to gather about you those who also wish to seek the awakening of their souls and its transformation through the Divine Love?

You cannot know the future, but you can step forward into the future with faith and confidence and a surety that God will lead you and show you the way. In this way you will come to know your gifts, you will come to know deeper and greater blessings from God, and you will most likely come to know other souls of like mind and desire. There are many blessings awaiting all of you. There is much that can come to pass as you allow God to guide you forward. It is for you to choose, as always. Great possibilities await. But are you willing to take that risk, to walk that path of service, of leadership, of light, of truth?

Though my journey was long in the wilderness with my people, we did come, in time, to that place where we were meant to be, where God guided us forward. It took faith. It required great faith to walk in this way. But oh, the rewards were great. Even today you remember my name and what was accomplished through my leadership and efforts. I was not alone either, for I had others with me including my brother and those who believed in my vision. You will find it so, my friends, if you are willing to speak of that which you see and know and feel that is the truth.

May God bless you on that journey, beloved souls. May you be in the arms of God, embraced and loved, cared for and protected, guided always. The blessings of His Love, may they flow into you in great abundance. My beloved friends, seek for the truth, seek for God’s Love, seek to serve, and you will find your way and much will come of your prayers and offerings and dedications in service. God bless you. I am Moses. I have come to uplift and to encourage you, my friends. Be at peace, be in the light, and know that God is here with us all. God bless you. God bless you.