Messages 2022

We Will Walk Amongst You as Mortals Do

July 30th, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

God bless your souls, my beloved brothers and sisters. I am Jesus and I come to uplift you and encourage you upon this journey together. I am pleased that there are those who form groups and sub-groups within the larger community to focus on certain developments and awakening of certain gifts, all the while in alignment with the Truth of Divine Love, in alignment with all that is of this Truth. You add a certain perspective to this process of soul awakening that in time will be an important vehicle to awaken others and to show them the way toward this truth.

Do not underestimate the importance of your prayers. Focus your longings toward God and toward receiving His Love. It is not something that you possess at birth. It is a gift given by God to you provided you are willing to embrace it and desire it to be given. Walk in unity, beloveds. Walk with open hearts and minds and souls. Walk in truth and seek truth through the faculties of your souls which are emerging and awakening in Love. You are given great opportunities and advantages and blessings because of your commitment and decision to work together and to work upon the progression of your soul. Know that every blessing will be given. All light will be poured upon you. All that is of God will be given freely and abundantly. You are truly His children and you are truly my disciples. Express your gifts, beloveds.

May your light shine forth in the world, that you may be the vanguards of what is meant to be and what shall come in time. What can stop you now, beloveds? Only that which is in your hearts and minds for even those whom you love and who are a part of your lives acknowledge and understand the deep commitment that you have made. So they cannot stop you and they shall not for they too are being blessed by your endeavours and your commitment. They too feel the upliftment that comes and the presence of your angel friends in your homes and your lives. All are being blessed as a result of your steps forward and many more blessings come, my beloveds, from our beloved Creator. They shall flow in greater abundance, in greater depth and intensity and shall flow from God’s Soul to yours.

Beloveds, dedicate your thoughts and your lives to this truth and this work and you will know all that which I speak of in its glory, beauty, and wonderment and grace. It shall come and be truly a part of you and your experience of life. All around you, its blessings shall manifest. All around you, light shall be intense, protecting you and empowering you as you walk in the world. We will be close, ever closer as we come to the fulfillment of this purpose and goal.

So, we will manifest through you. People will call these miracles but they are not. They are the result of your great efforts and ours and God’s Touch upon all to bring about the definitive answer to many who question life, that life is continuous. In this continuation of life, great opportunities to grow one’s soul, to experience all the beauty and intricacies of God’s creation and reality can come to the individual. Those burning questions within the hearts of so many will be quelled by your efforts. We shall speak, speak of truth. We shall walk amongst you as mortals do. We shall manifest blessings of healing and light and peace and love. So much can come through this small group that makes such a great effort.

May you come to realize that each step you take, each prayer that you give to God to bless and awaken these gifts through the power of Divine Love brings you one step closer to the realization of it. You are growing in Love. You are growing in perception and discernment. You are growing in joy and awareness of all that God gives to you. Walk in His blessings. Bring your exultations of love to Him. Open yourselves to a deeper understanding and experience of His Great Soul and many doors will open for you. Many blessings shall befall you. Much light shall be your experience and existence upon the world.

We are close, beloveds. I am close. Continue in your efforts. Pray often. Pray with earnestness and love for your Creator and all shall flow abundantly. You shall know the great river of His Will and Love in your lives. We are one with this purpose, beloveds. So, we move forward as one body, one expression, one truth that is within the foundation of love. God bless you. I am your brother and friend Jesus and I come to walk with you and be with you and pray with you. God bless you. I am close and I love you. God bless you.