Messages 2023
Affirms Our Collaboration With Other Lightbringers
March 6th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
May the Will of God be your will, beloved souls, I am your teacher Augustine. I am pleased to hear the conversation today, how you may collaborate together and how you may reach other souls to bring the Light of God’s Blessing to you and to all those around you. Indeed, many linger at the door of such an experience, but few enter therein because often they are uninspired or fearful or confused. It is your purpose to help give them the inspiration and momentum to walk through that door, to step through the threshold into greater light, so that they may have this experience of the soul and have it in a conscious way. That they may have some understanding of the blessing and touch that comes with God and the Holy Spirit that touches their soul.
What they do with this experience, whether they will repeat this experience, is undetermined. It is not for you to have that expectation. Rather, it is for you to help as God’s instrument, so to bring the experience to the individual. Then they may make the choice whether they may return to this light and repeat the experience. That their souls may open to God, which is what we endeavor to bring forward into their life experience. God wishes for each of His children to come to know Him, to realize that God is there in His Love, in His care and ministrations for each child upon the Earth, but you cannot make that decision or determination for the individual, you are there as midwives for the birthing of new consciousness within the soul, and as such, may you play your part with humility, with great respect for the individual, and great love.
In this way, all that is meant to manifest and for the individual to experience will happen freely as the flow of Love and Light, blessings from God will come intensely, beautifully into your Circle of Light.
Do not underestimate the power of God, the power of His angels to help awaken the desires of the soul within the individual. For, those desires exist and it is for all of us together to help the individual come to that place, that consciousness of soul. Indeed, many techniques may be used and many efforts may be made to help the individual come to that place. Indeed, how are they going to find that place in such a world as this without that help, without the guidance and inspiration helping to guide the way and show the light? It is for you to be the light, beloveds, to truly be that light, for we rely upon you as does God to be that light. So, you must prepare yourselves, support one another, be truly in alignment together so that harmony may be amongst you. With harmony comes greater light, with a singleness of purpose, a singleness of love for your brothers and sisters, and to open the doorway to greater light into your world. For indeed each time you do this, each time you’re engaged in this purposeful act of prayer, gathering souls together, you open the doorway to more light into your world, awakening in souls the possibilities of what exists in God’s universe but is unknown unless the individual comes with ways and means that are within them but hidden, so that they may open and flower within the Light of God, the Love of God.
Show the way, beloveds. Help each individual, who as you know is a unique soul, to find their way. For it is in opening to the highest blessing of God’s Love that many, many more doors will open to that individual. Great change will take place, great wisdom will flower within them and the truth shall grow within their consciousness. Their motivations will change, their perspectives will become so very different. This experience will lead to another experience, to another, until they come to the realization that they are a child of God, a child of the universe that is God’s Creation, a child of truth that is understanding how the universe moves and functions within their lives, their beings. You all have much to learn, beloved souls, but those of you here are further ahead than so many more on this Earth plane, it is for you to teach, to inspire, to be God’s Channels of Light, and you so desire to do so, and we desire to work together in these efforts.
May you be blessed with great inspiration, with the closeness of your angel friends and the friends and spirits of light who work so eagerly to help uplift humanity, for upliftment is what is needed in your world at this time, as well as truth and greater love for one another. Be true to yourselves, to God’s Will, to the light that is coming and grows, which God will use to awaken humanity. Be in alignment with this light, beloved souls. Be in alignment with all that is light, and in this way God will guide you, open doorways, bring opportunities and many souls into your midst. It will come in many different ways, upon waves of light, waves of love. May you be in alignment with this, beloved souls, and be in the Truth of God’s Love always.
God bless you. I am your teacher Augustine, and I come to affirm your collaborations, to support you in love, and with the realization that we will be with you as you make these efforts together. It will be beautiful, surprising in its scope and depth. Your efforts will make a difference in your world, will bring greater light. May God bless you. My love is with you, beloved souls. God bless you.