Messages 2023
Be a Light in the World
July 15th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
My friends, I am Orion. Each of you is finding your way through the tangled and twisted paths of life, sending all its challenges, all its resistance to the light, to truth. Yet you persist, my beloved friends, you persist and you are eager to continue to grow in love and grow in truth and light, all good things, all things of the great Creator of this universe.
That which He has provided for all His children within the universe is offered freely and abundantly. Yet you upon this Earthly plane, have great resistance to this offered abundance of light. I know you find this curious and so do we, that so many seek to be self-empowered. Yet their own feeble capacities for this are nothing compared to what God may empower you with, the great gift of His Love given freely, the great gift of wisdom, and truth and insight, joy, all the capacities within your soul awakened with this love.
These are the beings you are meant to be. This is what we all strive toward, is it not? - to help you of Earth, to help you overcome this resistance, this darkness, this need to be alone in the universe. We wish for humanity to understand that they truly are not alone, that there are many beings, entities, spirits that are a part of the great family of humanity that are connected to you all. When this realization comes, then an understanding that if all of you upon the Earth plane work together for the common good and, in the wider picture, the good of the universe, then great benefits and blessings will come freely and abundantly, will wash over humanity and give it the relief, the upliftment, the freedom that so many desire. Rather than pain, there will be joy and upliftment. Rather than error, there will be truth. Rather than hatred and fear and anxieties, there will be joy and expansiveness and light. This is what we pray for, for your world. I know you do the same, my beloved brothers and sisters. But I wish to encourage you to continue to pray for the world. Pray for yourself that you will know and feel and realise greater freedom, greater love, greater joy. This is the key to the healing of your world. This is the key to the continued evolution of humanity. This is the key to unlock the new doors.
We continue to encourage you, to help you on the way for those of you who have stepped forward, who have consciously made that choice for light, for truth, that you may be a light, a beacon of truth and love. God provides all that you require to do so. God will always ensure that your needs will be met. In this regard God will wipe away many of the impediments, will resolve many of the dilemmas, will open doors to greater light with every day, every opportunity. As you continue to wipe away your own illusions and errors, what God has to offer you will become most clear and evident in your life.
May you seek the great blessings of the awakened soul. May you know the Creator of all, as so many in your universe do and honour and live by the laws of this creation. It is not so onerous. Nothing is taken away from humanity by honouring the laws of God and so much is given as a result. So much flows to each soul who is in alignment with God. Indeed, God marshalls His forces for good, for light, for healing to transform and resolve, to heal the issues of your world so that there is greater light, so that your children and their children may know a world filled with potential possibilities for joy, harmony. This is what we work for, is it not?
My beautiful friends, this is what is needed. This is what is worth putting your efforts, your focus, your prayers, your actions toward. Be guided, my friends. Be guided by a soul that knows the wisdom of truth and light. Be guided by the Will of God that has for each of you a unique and individual path to walk, utilising your unique gifts and individual selves to express the true and beautiful creation of God that you are in the world, seeking to serve, to give, to be that light. These things all come on the heels of your faith, on the efforts of your prayers, on the blossoming of your souls in love. So, they manifest, my beloved friends, in all manner of beauty, complexity and joy. May the love within your soul burn so bright, expand so much, that you are truly transformed and truly expressed with every breath that which you are as a redeemed child of God.
God bless you, my friends. Orion loves you. I see you. I see you for the beautiful souls that you are and I am privileged and honoured to serve you in the ways that we do, to help uplift and encourage and teach and guide and bless in our own way. In the resources that are available to us, we give to you abundantly, we give to you always. Our dedications are for your growth and development and upliftment. May God bless you, my friends. May God bless you. Orion loves you all. God bless you.