Messages 2023
Be True to Your Souls
February 2nd, 2023
Florida, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
The knowledge of many men has been kept in the annals of human history. Yet as you well know, those words are often interpolated and twisted into a myth, a story about those individuals. I come to you, I am James, and you know of me as a figure in history, as you do many others who speak to you.
Do you wonder what our motivation is, my friends? First and foremost, we wish to speak the truth and the truth of God’s Love. But also, many of us wish for you to know the truth about us and our lives, our effect and efforts in history. Many myths have been recorded about the disciples of Jesus, who was my brother, many myths about others who have lived. I commend you for your desire to record your, what I might say, contemporary history regarding the truth of Divine Love reignited in the world.
What happened one hundred years ago is a momentous occasion to be celebrated and acknowledged and our beloved brother, James Padgett and his efforts to overcome his personal biases and barriers to allow this history, this truth, to be recorded. My beloved friends, and so, you wish for all aspects of how this truth has come alive once again in the world to be recorded for posterity. Be simple in your words. Be truthful in your perceptions and what has truly happened, with the understanding that God has guided all of this together, this flow of connection, this interconnection, this Lattice of Light, these relationships that you have with one another, that which brought you to the truth, and that which will bring others to the truth.
These things began with God’s Will manifest in the world and God’s Will to manifest within you. For do you not see that you, each of you, have been guided to God? Each of you has been inspired and awakened, because you desired this, and for many of you, because you incarnated at this time to be instruments for the truth to be known in the world. But in the end, when you record history, is it not just words put to paper? Those who read those words will formulate their own idea of what those words mean. So, the history is then somewhat perverted through individuals and if those individuals take it upon themselves to rewrite history, they may well do so and add their perspective on what the history is. This is human nature. This is the way of the world.
What cannot be lost and will not be lost, is the truth that God loves all His children. The power of this, the glory of this, this simple truth, that when acknowledged by the individual soul and felt and realised by the Touch of His Love, cannot be lost, cannot be perverted into something it is not. For the power of this truth shall remain pure and true. This is what we ask of you, my beloved brothers and sisters, to carry the truth in your heart, to carry the truth as a light, that lantern that our brother, Jesus, speaks of, a lantern in the world lighting the way. That is what is required and necessary, and indeed, you may write and speak and share of your experiences and your understanding of how you became a follower of the truth. This, too, is helpful for many. But I say to you, be wary of those who would take this truth and turn it into something other than truth. For often this is the case amongst men who do not truly understand and have not truly experienced this truth of God’s Love.
You cannot falter, my beloved brothers and sisters. You cannot take a path that is contrary to God’s Will. Rather, you must act upon guidance and a sense of rightness and direction that is in harmony with God’s Love. Do not be fearful, my beloved brothers and sisters. Do not be fearful of others’ condemnation and judgement of you. Rather, stand forth upon the truth and do so with the strength and faith, commitment and love that is required to be that steadfast instrument of God. In this way, all that is meant to be, all that shall flow shall come to pass and you will know your steps, you will feel the lightness of your path, the knowledge that you are meant to do something for God and for your fellow man.
Each of you have received much in your life. You know the Love of God with such clarity and power that you cannot be dissuaded by others that it is an untruth. It is that understanding within you that motivates you, that strengthens you. The resolve is great. The desire is great to bring the truth of this love to humanity. Each of you will do so as God utilizes the gifts within you, as you allow the gifts and the capacities that you possess to come forth, that it may be unbridled by your enthusiasm and love for God and love for the truth, and that you may share with a gentle voice, but firm, a clarity and with great compassion for those who are lost and do not understand. For without compassion, you become brittle in your delivery in what you share, and this is not God’s way. God does so with compassion first and foremost, love, gentleness, upliftment, forgiveness, all the qualities of God’s Soul manifest in one gift, the gift of His Love. So, you must express what is given, how it is given, the flow of His Love constantly bathing you in light, the mercy of His embrace as He lifts you up from the human condition, as you are embraced with peace and love, joy and light.
As you walk in the grace of God, you will be guided, you will know what it is that God wishes for you to do. It comes in revelations and insights, subtle whisperings, feelings, those aspects of the soul that communicates to you. You must listen and know God’s Will which is perfect. It is your challenge to manifest God’s Will in your life, that the perfection of His plan, the wonderment of that which He shares with you, is not twisted and lost and turned into some mindful idea that is not truly in harmony with the plan. You are human, so your tendency is to do this, to not truly listen, but to run with an idea and to manifest that idea to satisfy some need within yourself. If you are humble, you will listen to the Will of God directly and clearly. This is, as I say, a great challenge to many of you, for you take great joy in your own endeavors and ideas, and to some degree, these things that you manifest have a measure of light and are a reflection of God’s Will. Yet to be truly God’s instruments, clarity, purity, simplicity and love are manifest through you.
My beloved friends, you are upon a great journey discovering the ways and means of service and dedication to God. Every day presents its possibilities and its challenges and discernment must be developed within you and your perceptions. For when the soul discerns the truth, then there cannot be anything but truth expressed. So, you learn this lesson, you come to see yourselves challenged by the truth and what you may perceive as the truth. I urge you to walk within the truth as best that you can and to be clear and decisive in your actions, reflecting truth. In this way, all that you do will be guided and fall into place easily and readily. You will know the journey of truth, for the journey of truth brings upliftment and joy. May your thoughts be that of God, my beloved friends. May your desires be that of your soul seeking God. May your efforts be a reflection of the light within you and the truth that you know. May all that is within your life be a reflection of love and your love of God, God’s Love for you. In this way, all that you do, every effort that you make will be blessed, will be in alignment with God’s Will and plan.
I urge you, my friends, to seek the depths of your soul. When you undertake an effort, seek it from that place, the solutions, the way to approach these things, the truth of the matter. In this way, you cannot be diverted and you will be powerful in your efforts and your efforts will reach many because they are God’s efforts, God’s Will, reflecting God’s Love for His children. I thank you for listening to me, my friends, I am James. My love is with you. I urge you on and forward in all that you do for the love of God. God bless you. God bless you.