Messages 2023

Al’s Aunt Confirms Barbara’s Message

February 21st, 2023

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

I am Bernice. I am the aunt of this dear instrument and I come to attest to what our dear friend, Barbara, who I knew on the earthly plane, has come to say. For our beloved nephew and instrument has done much to help me and many others in his family. I am most definitely on the road to the Celestial Kingdom, although I have not made that transition yet.

Still I am in the Third Sphere and I’m very happy there. I now know the truth, and indeed I follow Marjorie, who is this instrument’s mother and my sister, who is in the Celestial Kingdom and very happy, as is our mother. Indeed, my father walks this path as well, and others who are a part of this material family of my beloved nephew. So, you see it is true. There are many who listen, look, and are curious, and may indeed find the truth by your example. I am so happy that I have found the truth and am walking the path of Love.

I am Bernice, and I thank you for allowing me to speak and to have the opportunity to affirm the truth. For it is of the utmost importance that all souls may know of this choice and this truth, that God loves them so that they may receive this gift. May God bless you and may the Love of God burn bright within you. Thank you. Thank you all. God bless you.