Messages 2023
Celestial Care
August 10th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
It is I, Care. I come with a great joy in my heart. Not only because of where I dwell, but to see you all uplifted and beginning to see the journey ahead through your readings of progress and progression in the spirit world.1 For you will certainly leave this world where you dwell behind you and the more you can connect your soul with God’s love and those of us who dwell in the celestial heavens as well as those who are progressing towards the fountainhead of God’s love, the more you can direct and fix your attention, the attentions of your heart to this journey, the more we can be with you.
When you read or you are told that mortals often co-create with spirits, whether they be in the natural love or whether they be divine, you are being reminded that there is a multitude of celestial help available. When you are struggling and believe you are on your own and you reach out to God, we come for we are His ward, and we come in His love. And so, as you had just read about those unaware of God, unaware of His presence, of the magnificence of His creation, of His omnipresence and omniscience, be aware that the angels are always ready to be with you. Thus, as you are aware of God, please be aware of His helpers.
Set your sails on the winds of His spirit and know it will carry you over calm and troubled waters. Set your sights on the light and the love of God, that the way forward is illumined, even in the darkness. Set your heart and soul on the great love of God, for in Him, all things are possible. Rest in this faith, in this knowing, in this great love, and know we are here for you and will never abandon you.
May you rest in the grace of God and be assured of my love as well and all of us here. How we love you! God bless you. I am Care.
Note 1 referring to Robert J Lees (Gate of Heaven) and the book Judas of Kerioth (received by H.R)