Messages 2023
Creatures of Habit
November 27th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ, anointed in the Love of God, a redeemed soul, and a disciple of the Master. I am Judas.
I wish to speak about the human condition and how we are creatures of habit, most especially but not exclusively to those on earth. You know the saying; “Old habits die hard?” Well, it also applies to those in the spirit world who are attached to the material world and to those habits that formed a part of their lives while on earth.
There are so many things that lead one into repetitive behaviors and rituals and, these habits are an attempt to bring about a circumstance, a blessing, a calm, and a peace. And so, in every aspect of human existence, you find people trying to recreate a moment, a song, a speech, a writing, a dance, an event, or even a prayer that meant something to them and touched them deeply.
People often memorialize these incidences and sometimes the person who perhaps was part of a blessing. Humans tend to idol-worship the messenger, and this often obscures the message. An obvious example that I will give you are the teachings of Divine Love that Jesus brought, and how obscured the deep truth of those teachings became more about the Master and worshipping him than following the teachings that would lead them to being born again as transformed souls in the Love of God.
And so, this tendency to habitualize and ritualize in an attempt to recreate, in this case a blessing, can only succeed when the very essence of what one wants to be recreated comes through. Singers know this, as they may have sung a particular song a thousand times and yet they will try and often succeed, at getting into the essence of the music, that all who listen may be blessed.
This happens in all the arts, and it should happen in spiritual life. Yet, because this is the human condition even in your group, one can become attached; to a prayer circle, to the messenger, even to needing to always receive a message.
On the surface, these things cause one to consider the deeper meaning of what is being conveyed and to a certain extent this is good but quite often people will analyze and intellectualize what we are giving and what we are sharing. And unless one can actualize their soul to feel the essence of what is being conveyed in the Love of God, their progress will be slow. That said, all who commit themselves to this great path of God’s Love will surely be transformed. They will change from the mortal to the immortal, from the human to the divine angel in God’s time.
My dear friends, allow your soul to supersede your mind, that you may feel the blessing of God’s Love. In this circle, in every circle, in your prayer time, in your spiritual practice, allow the Love of God to touch you.
Quite often, those who have been wounded deeply create buffers to protect their hearts from hurt. This is to be expected, for it is a natural reaction when being abused, being hurt, and being offended, whether it be in body or in mind.
But I tell you, my dear friends, allow your heart, however wounded, however yearning, however longing, allow it to be healed, and allow it to feel. For the Love of God can be felt, and as I have said before, if this was not so, you would not know of its existence.
So, step back from your concerns, from your judgements, from your skepticism, and from your troubles. Give them to God, so that He may heal your heart and fill your soul with the great gift of Divine Love. I know this journey. I know the pain of having to come out of darkness into the light. And if I can be a redeemed soul, surely you can!
With all the Love of God in my heart, I wish you a deep blessing, a deep healing, that you may have faith, that you may trust, that we may all be at one with our Creator. May God bless you. I am your brother and friend, once from Kerioth, now an inhabitant of the Celestial Heavens. May God bless you. Go in peace.