Messages 2023
Do Not Take Things for Granted
August 15th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, beloved students, I am your teacher, Augustine. I commend you for your consistency and your efforts to come together in these prayers, prayers that will bring to you soul development and spiritual development as you reach out to the Heavenly Father to receive this great gift of His Love. In doing so, you attract the angels into your midst and many other beings of light.
There are barriers to your development. This you can be sure of. For you live upon the Earthly plane. In truth, these barriers are not so great and they are not impenetrable by the light. Many of you share common barriers and, of course, each of you have your own unique barriers to the light and yet, you persist. You uphold one another. You uphold your commitment to God. You continue to seek the great gift of His Love. You continue to allow the effects of that gift, the blessings of that gift to change you, transform you, awaken you; this love, the very seed and center of all that we do and all that is your soul’s progress to grow and be in service to God.
My beloveds, beautiful students of light, do not allow the barriers to hold you back. Do not allow your biases and prejudices, judgments and fears to keep you in place beyond the light which you now possess so that you may progress toward greater light, greater understanding and greater joy. These things are not far off. They are at your fingertips. They require your concerted effort, focus, prayer, faith and desire to be within the great blessing and light of God’s Touch. It is a simple journey, one that can be accessed by any soul. Yet because of the complications and conditions of the Earthly plane, few find this step not easy and often quite difficult and the mind becomes a stalwart resistance to the simple truth of love. The fears which emerge from the mind help fuel the judgments and the biases that keep you from the simplicity and purity of a soul engaged in the truth of love. You continue to persist and grow within the love of God. You continue to have faith and trust in this process, this awakening and transformation that comes. You continue to yearn and seek beyond the limitations of a mind filled with many expectations and ideas as to what true spiritual progress is. So, you carry on in desire and hope that all that is not in harmony with God’s Love will fall away from you. Yet you hold on often to the rigidity of certain beliefs and ideas.
I urge you, my beloved and beautiful students, release yourself from these old patterns. You are quite capable of allowing these things to fall away. For they are not truly a part of your soul. Indeed, the impediments and demands of a material mind infused with the human condition acts in an obstinate way, willfully creating the barriers that you encounter. Are you going to allow this to be so? Is it so important that you hold onto old and rigid beliefs? Is it so important that your mind is filled with opinions and rigidities of thought and feeling that keep you from love and the freedom of truth. At times you project and judge others who do not agree with your perceptions, your ideas. It becomes quite a burden that you must carry. Are your brothers and sisters not worthy of love, that you may embrace them, not with the cares and expectations of a mind imbued with various perceptions and so called avenues of truth?
Rather, truth comes with acceptance, humility, grace, love. Truth comes with simplicity and with the capacity to open one’s soul to God and to accept all that God has to give to that soul. The consciousness of the soul growing and expanding in this love, the consciousness of the mind being absorbed by this love, the feelings, the expressions, the perceptions of the soul strengthening and growing in love. This is the awakening, beloved brothers and sisters. This is the awakening that you long for; the soul becoming the seed and center of truth, the mind accepting and embracing the truth that comes. It does not require much, beloved souls, other than faith, trust, and prayer. An effort to be with God, to be in the grace, the beauty, the wonderment, the flow of God’s Love and Will leading the way. The blessings of God’s Touch imbuing you with truth that shall last and grow as love infills you and changes you. It is a simple way, the most powerful way, the highest way to the transformation of your being from that which is human, that which is of the natural man to that which is the Divine and the Divine being that you may become as a result of this gift.
Continue to actively pray for this gift, to place it foremost in your consciousness and your prayers. Do not take for granted that God will give you this gift of Love. Rather, know that in your asking, you affirm within your entire being the desire to receive it. That way, your mind understands the true desires of your soul. Your mind then is in compliance with the core of you, the light that is within you, the desires that are truly you. Be with God in this way, my beloved, beautiful students, and you will know not the need of a soul feeling unloved. You will know the fulfillment of a soul that is loved and knows of this love to the very depths of its being.
May God bless you, my beloved and beautiful friends, students of truth, students of love. I am your teacher, Augustine and I love you so. We are all on this journey together and for evermore shall we be brothers and sisters upon the road to at-onement with God. God bless you and keep you in His Love. I love you. I walk with you. God bless you.