Messages 2023

Don’t Miss the Opportunities that God Lays Before You

July 8th, 2023

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

The world is laid at your feet, my friends. I’m Seretta Kem. But unfortunately, many of you do not have the eyes to see what is before you, the opportunities that God presents to you. Rather you are too involved in your daily life, your daily concerns and you are entrenched within certain perspectives and perceptions that disallow this vision, this ability to know the Will of God. You are human and you display classic human tendencies and perspectives. You live in a material world and thus, you are a reflection of that world.

Yet within you is a desire to walk a different road, to be that individual that God wishes for you to be, to live that life that is in harmony with His laws, to have the vision and knowledge of God’s Will in your life. Indeed, you get glimpses. Even daily these glimpses come to you and there are times when you respond to these callings from God and times you do not. Often these callings are faint and slip by unnoticed and sometimes they are strong and you come to acknowledge them consciously and yet, because of your biases and perspectives, the way you interpret these callings may be, may tend to bring you off course as you try to enact God’s Will in your life. You are human.

But indeed, as you continue to pray together, as we continue to work with you, as you continue to open yourselves to that other reality, the reality of your soul, then the callings will become clear and loud and easy to understand. This is why we continue to urge you into prayer, to urge you to reach out to God, so that that channel between your soul and God is strengthened and with God’s blessings, is clear of obstructions. Indeed, free will is a great factor in whether or not you will hear, whether or not you will grow in light and be clear as a channel for God. It is your desire that determines everything. Thus we encourage you and inspire you so that your desire may be strong, stronger than the ebb and flow of the human condition which is influencing every being upon this world, not only human beings but all the creatures as well. These creatures are responding and reacting to the disruptive actions of humanity, and their thoughts, the energies that are applied to the Earth.

You are much more powerful than you realize and collectively you have successfully nullified the Will of God in your world. You have corrupted the Creation of God in many ways and that corruption is spreading. It is a very serious condition indeed, this human condition and it is powerful. This is why you must make every effort to be in the light, to control your thoughts, to acknowledge those outbursts, emotions and negative thoughts and judgements that are contrary to God’s Laws of love. How else can you be that individual that you so desire to be within your souls. It cannot be done by those of us in spirit who you believe can control and manipulate and make right all things that are in your life. This is contrary to God’s laws and contrary to the law of free will.

Yes we may work together. Yes we may do many things that will contradict and nullify the human condition and bring greater light together. But it is in accordance with your commitment and desire and efforts. It is not a one-way street. It requires both parties to cooperate, to work together. And of course, all of us require God’s influence and blessings upon us for any of this to be realized. Thus, we are part of what might be considered a triad: Your souls, our souls, God’s soul, all working together and as that relationship is strengthened and firm and viable, then, the possibility of bringing greater light through you is greatly magnified, exponentially so, as you continue to grow in the love of God. As your faith grows, as your reality shifts towards the reality of God, so you are able to see more clearly see the Will of God, to know the Will of God and to enact the Will of God.

We have always espoused personal responsibility when it comes to anyone’s spiritual path and journey. It is part of the law. You must choose and you must be responsible for those choices. There is no free ride as you would say in your lingo. What you receive and what is within your life, is a reflection of the effort that you have made, the light that has grown within you and how you respond to life. Yes, there may be many conditions that are contrary to this that inhabit your life. But it is how you respond, how you see them, how you are with them that is a reflection of your inner condition, the state of your soul, the state of your consciousness. Ideally all conditions that are dark and negative would not affect you and would be nullified with the light that you carry, the attitudes that you have, the love that flows through you and into you. This is the ideal scenario and this is what we encourage you towards. It is not impossible to be in that state but it does require a great deal of effort, a great many prayers and dedication, sincere prayers and sincere dedications.

Yet, as you follow this path, it is a very human response to mouth the words, to be comfortable in the patterns, to not truly feel and express the yearnings of your souls, rather to be within that middle ground which is lukewarm so to speak, without true and intense feeling. Yet there is intention and there is a sense that you wish to be with God. You must break through these patterns, my beloved friends, and come to that place of pure communion, of sure knowing, of being in the light and peace of God’s presence. This is required and you must struggle towards it. At times, I know you break through and you truly feel that which I am speaking of, that beautiful place of communion and this is wonderful. And the more you go to that place, the easier it comes to be there until you are truly in the Grace of God.

May you find your way to this grace and embrace it to such a degree that it is not a fleeting condition but a truly steadfast and powerful condition that you may carry. To be in this grace will ensure many wonderful blessings manifest through you including your beloved direct voice. It is necessary to be consistent in the light, to truly put away those old and tired conditions of the past, to break free from the monotony of routine and that comfort that it brings the mind and to be in the excitement and joy and wonderment of communing with your Creator and receiving His great gift of Love. It’s challenging. We have not said that it would be easy. We have laid before you all the impediments and challenges that each of you face, not in detail, but you know individually the details, the conditions, the challenges that are in your life. I would urge you to continue to be aware of these things, to continue to strive towards the highest, to be that light pure and beautiful. For is this not the goal of spiritual progression? Of soul awakening? Of soul transformation?

So you must strive, beloveds. Strive towards the highest light. Strive towards God. Strive to know your own soul and to listen to that which is within you and that which God whispers to you. This is the key to your enlightenment, the success of your ventures, the opening of the way towards great service and the blessing of the many souls upon that journey. We continue to pray for you, my beloved friends.

Continue to pray for one another and we all continue to pray for the world and its healing and transformation and indeed, in prayer, we elicit the blessings of God and so they shall come in direct response to the earnestness and the power of your prayers. May God bless you, my friends. I am Seretta Kem and I love you, dearly and will be close, always. God bless you. God bless you deeply.