Messages 2023
Equal in God’s love
June 19th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ. I come again. I am Francis. I come to be with you, my friends, in this beautiful circle, where every soul longs to be at one with our Creator. I have spoken many times about simplicity. I have spoken about material versus spiritual needs and my own journey and as you have just heard, my walking away from my inheritance in the material world so that I could receive the great inheritance of God’s love in my soul.
Let me say that there was also an underlying issue which was, as you may see this today, the inequality, or shall I say the inequalities, the discrepancies between rich and poor, racial bias, the inequity of opportunity, and the unequal sharing of the world’s resources, including even food and water, the bare necessities. There was also the inequality of sexes and the discrimination against those who were different. All these things that exist today have always to some extent existed. So, the wise have come and proclaimed that death, or passing into spirit, is the great equalizer. And as I realized, in my revelatory moment, in my epiphany, that I could not take it with me, my prayer being “Dear God, what can I take in dying ?, Who am I?”, I saw clearly that I would take only my soul into spirit, and henceforth I began to move from my soul. And I do wish you to know that my parents with all their wealth, were not bad people? Like most families, whether rich or poor or somewhere in between, they wished to have acquired something for their children and to pass on their wealth. Yet, I say to you, even this for me was a form of inequality and as my brothers and I, mere beggars were given food, shelter, and material necessities, our family became humankind. My soul seeing the equality, the preciousness of every soul in the family of mankind, humankind, all God’s children, as we are.
There is also the great equalizer on the spiritual path, and that is God’s Divine Love. The master, did he not say ‘We are all one in the Father’s love. Join me, be at One as I am that we all are as One in God’? These words affected me deeply. My brothers and I, Clare, and her sisters, we prayed for this at-onement and on the material plane, we sought to equalize whatever we were given to share with all, our family. In your beautiful family, in the community of Divine Love, you have this glorious gift, the greatest gift of God’s love. Your souls at one, more and more, as you walk into your future. So, yes, it is important to give freely, and in your community here, you can begin. Material things should be shared, but even more important it is to share your love. For, though you cannot give the love of God to another and put it in their soul, you can shine the light of His love on each and every being, equally, remembering that we are all God’s children and as my friend’s song goes, “Blessed be the children, for we are all God’s children.”
I shall step back and be in the stillness, in the love of God, in this prayer, and I thank you as always for welcoming me. One day, I shall welcome you. We all shall embrace you, in God’s love, in His kingdom. Go in peace. May the love of God fill your souls and guide you on your walk. I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Francis, once of Assisi, now an inhabitant of the Celestial realm in the Father’s kingdom and I love you.