Messages 2023
God’s Universe is Multi-Dimensional
July 23rd, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Bless you, my friends, I am your teacher, Augustine. The world has many facets and dimensions that you are not aware of. Certainly the capacity for mortals to even be aware of the dimension of the spirit world is a great challenge to you since you are all locked into a mindful state that is like wearing blinkers upon your consciousness and keeps you within a certain latitude of perception that does not give you freedom and capacity to understand many things about life.
Yet you persist to understand, to perceive, to recognise more of God’s Creation, the great latitude of God’s Creation, not only in your world but in the universe.The mind is a useful thing in deducting material circumstances and perceptions, but it is often in the way of understanding things of the soul. You come together as you do today so that you may put aside those mindful reckonings and come to that place of soul experience, feeling, perception and to receive the great gift that will liberate you from mindful restrictions, that of the Divine Love.
My beloved students, this is the struggle of your life. This is what will bring the greatest reward as you seek God, as you seek to know your own soul, as you seek to love in a greater capacity, as you receive the great gift of love. You are fighting against the currents of the human condition. You are bringing greater light into yourself and into the world. You are declaring truth with every prayer as your faith grows and the expression of that faith becomes your desire and expression of prayer to God. In this way eventually, you will open the doors to greater perceptions. For those doors are within the soul. The capacity to know many things resides within the soul. For the soul comes to understand a multiplicity of dimensions that the material mind could not possibly know or experience. Special capacities of the soul may see things in a multi-dimensional way, may see the universe which is ultimately multi-dimensional, may come to understand God and God’s great Soul which is most assuredly multi-dimensional.
For how can you come to know the truth of the universe, the Truth of God, the truth of your own being without these doorways of perception and knowing opening so that you are truly informed, educated and perceiving, thereby building great faith in the truth that continues to unfold in your life’s experience? All these things come as God’s great Essence ignites your soul, that which is a reflection of God. Yet, the substance, that which brings about the capacities of the Divine need to be awakened and enlivened within you. You pray to be awakened and enlivened with the great Essence of God, His Love and in His capacity to love, so you are given the keys to the universe so that you may understand and know. No wonder this journey is eternal. For so is the universe and all its facets. As you continue to seek to know these things, so God feeds to you that which is required to nurture the faculties of your soul.
Thus you come together to pray. Thus you come to God daily in prayer, and you are dedicated to this pursuit. For you know within you, your soul’s communication to you says, “This is the way to greater life. This is the journey to the truth. This is how you may be fulfilled as a being.” For those of you who are on the earthly plane, many walk in the world as an unrealised soul, with much unclaimed and unexpressed. Yet you, beloved and beautiful students of the truth, realise that there is so much more that you may claim, that may be a part of your consciousness, your realisation of truth.
So, we pray together, do we not? “Beloved Father, Creator of all, may Your great Love, the Essence of Your Soul flow into our soul in great abundance.” For it requires a great deal of this Essence to awaken you. Thus, your prayers must be sincere and intense, with great faith and great desire.
You have received drop by drop this incremental gift, and you will continue to receive it in accordance to your desires and efforts. Yet, it is our desire and God’s desire that you receive such a great inflowing of this love that you may be transformed, that these faculties of perception and understanding and true knowing may be awakened through this gift, that you may truly be God’s child redeemed and fulfilled in love. Each of you within your souls desire this. You long for it. Indeed, as you long and pray, so we come to you to help reinforce, uplift and inspire. Each of you seek the kingdom of Heaven, beloved and beautiful children of God. Seek to receive this love in ever greater quantities, that you may truly understand the capacities of your soul. Walk in faith, that as you are receiving, so the effects of this love are having their transformative blessings upon you. Though this begins very subtly, indeed, it will strengthen. It will grow in power, and you will know consciously the changes that are taking place.
So much hinges upon your desire and choice to seek this great gift that God offers to each and every one of His children. He does not wish to deny anyone, even those in the deepest hells, even those in your earthly plane who are in great darkness, even those who deny Him and wish to be independent from their Creator. All these individuals, all in your Earth plane, all in the dark spirit realms and the greyness of the earthly plane, and the light of the intellectual spheres, and those who are seeking and traveling upon spheres of soul consciousness. Each and every child that God has created, He created for this purpose, to find at-onement with Him and the only way that true at-onement can take place is through the benediction, the gift of God’s Love.
You are on that journey, beloved souls. Know that as you continue to progress, God will continue to bless you, send His angels to you, and show you the way to redemption and transformation. It shall come, I promise you. God’s promise to you is that you shall come to your at-onement with all that is Divine and know the unimaginable joy of this, the fulfillment of this, the true depth and breadth of it. It is waiting for each and every one of you. Each time you receive this gift of His love, you acknowledge His call. You bring in the truth into your being. You are acknowledging that you are a child of God.
My beloved and beautiful students, seek the soul’s awakening. You know the way. You know the prayer. Be with God and know the fulfillment of this pursuit. God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine and I love you so. God bless you.