Messages 2023
Guidance for the Guernsey Circle
March 1st, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Blessings upon you, beloved souls. I am your teacher, Augustine. You’ve asked for guidance and direction. You have asked for truth and you have asked for God to bless you within your souls. So, when your petitions to God are sincere and direct, uncluttered by those parts of you that are not in harmony with your soul, so God answers your prayers. With these declarations, those things that you mortals so wish to do in the world, whatever the philosophy or idea is that you carry, often there is a need to declare yourselves in the world, to be strong advocates of a particular perspective. Thus there are many arguments as well between mortals because of the need to be heard, to declare, to have others acknowledge you.
When you are doing God’s work, what is your declaration? It is how you move, how you are in the world, not by words alone but by your actions, by the love in your soul and what flows through you to others, the light that you carry. These are all declarations that are valid and are in harmony with God and God’s Laws of Love. Inciting arguments, telling others what they must think, being strong in your opinions do not necessarily bring harmony to the efforts that you make in a spiritual way. So I encourage you, beloved souls, to tread gently with those who would oppose you, to be clear in your own mind what it is that you are advocating and how you are to approach your efforts to advocate truth. When you are doing God’s work, it is not necessary to shout to the rooftops unless there is a situation that is so dire and dark, that there is no other way to communicate and in this, there must be wisdom and circumspection in what you might say to others.
God does not put words in your mouth that are disharmonious. God brings the truth, to be sure. That truth can be gentle and it can be humble in its delivery. Humility is a great force in the world, one that is little understood. To be gentle and humble is to acknowledge the work of our beloved Jesus who walked the Earth with love and humility. At times he was not gentle with his words but most often he used the words that would communicate with those with whom he was with, and he allowed the individuals to come to their own conclusions in regards to the truth or whatever issue might be at the fore.
When you are dealing with those in the world who may obstruct you, my beloved and beautiful students, be circumspect, be wise and yet be true to that which you know within your heart is truth. It is not an easy approach. For it is the nature of man to declare forcibly what they believe and yet in that declaration, is there true communication? Often not, rather, it tends to solidify perspectives and create further division. When you are being guided by God, you will know the words to speak, and they will not necessarily feel like your words. Yet they are words that are guided and inspired and put within your mind. And if you are humble enough to listen, if you are wise enough to apply these words as you speak, then you will come to see positive resolutions to the dilemmas that you face. Put into practice this approach, beloved souls. Seek to be wise in your counsel. Seek to be loving in your delivery and approach to another. Seek to be God’s instrument.
As for this beautiful chapel in which you are all connected to, I say to you that God has been working through this place for many, many years, and that God will continue to do so. What you must see in your approach and connection with this place is: “How might I serve? How might I be a part of this work that has been established there? How might I be a gentle servant in the light of this place, respecting and honouring its history and its purpose?” Do you wish to change this, to reorganize and reset the purpose? I say, if you do, then this is folly. For God has His purpose with this church. God will ensure that this purpose is fulfilled, and God will bring those instruments forward to fulfill it. If you are one of those instruments, then you will know it in your heart and you will feel the power of it, the beauty of it and the humility of it. Be gentle. Be here in reverence to God and to God’s Will. Be in harmony with His laws which dictate harmony. Be true to those feelings and sensibilities of the soul. For it is there that God will communicate and will inspire and will direct you.
It is not the mind filled with ideas and maneuverings and how one might get to a place and ambition that has emerged from the mind. But it is in asking from that soulful place. It is a prayer in action. It is your efforts done in concert with God’s Will and all must have the aura of love, the aura of Divine Love which, as you know, is different from human love.
These are your challenges, beloved souls. These are the dilemmas you face as you wish to be God’s instruments, as you wish to progress in the ways of the soul and the soul in relationship with God. Align yourself so that this may come to be. Discipline your mind so that it may not interfere so powerfully as it has and will in the human condition in which you abide within. Be humble. Be truthful. Be a child of God. In this way, there will be resolution. It may not be as you intend. It may not, the outcomes may not be quick or just, even. But they will be in harmony with the purpose that is intended and in this, you must find acceptance. You must abide by the will of God. Indeed, the will of man will obscure the will of God in many ways, redirecting, obfuscating those things that are so clear and simple. Yet if you wish to be God’s instruments, there will be times when you will feel the glory and joy of a direct resolution that is in harmony with your thinking. There will be times when it is not in harmony with your thinking but indeed, a resolution has come to be. This is where having humility has its place, to accept that the outcomes of your endeavours may not be as you intended. But with faith, they will be as God intended.
Beloved souls, think of these matters from the perspective of your soul. Understand that the human condition often is contrary to God’s Will. Though, like the stream that finds the ready path to its intended source and direction, God will find a way to bring about His Will and He will utilise various sources, means and instruments to do so. Pray to be that instrument. Pray that you may have the ears to hear, the eyes to see, the wisdom within the soul to know so that you may act in concert with God’s Will and be true to God’s Will. This is where the blessings lie and if you are attuned to the Will of God, then whatever outcome may be realised in any given situation, you will know joy because you will be able to see the way God moves in the world and how the outcomes are in harmony with His Will and His plan. Yes, there is so much for each of you to learn and come to understand, and you are all too human in your perspectives, I know. But you have asked to be uplifted, to find your way beyond the human condition and perspective to that which is of God.
So when these tests come into your life and you are disillusioned by certain circumstances, I say to you, this is the moment of a gift, the gift of a test and a test that shall bring to greater understanding, greater truth, greater realisation of your spiritual self, your soul and how this relates to the Will of God. I know that each of you have your challenges in life. I know that each of you tends to redirect your thinking so that you may rationalise these challenges as having the source from outside of yourself. Yet, in every circumstance there is some element that is your responsibility and your doing within that circumstance. It is your responsibility to look deeper to see more clearly your part, your role to play in what you may perceive as a negative outcome. There is always room to learn, beloved souls, not only intellectually, but soulfully. I urge you to go deep, to look deeply, to pray, to ask God to show you the truth of the matter, to show you those parts of yourself that are difficult to look at and to see with true eyes of recognition.
Indeed, as you grow in God’s Love, these things must come to be. For you cannot grow unless you acknowledge within yourself a need for growth and change and recalibration of thought and deed and feeling. That which is within the soul of wisdom that may come forth, softened by God’s Love and blessings upon you, so that within those lessons and learnings that are painful, you will always be uplifted by God. You will always be carried by the angels and you will be shown truth, always. In this way, will you not grow and learn and strengthen in truth, in light and love? Indeed, you will and indeed you must.
Indeed, there are many challenges in the world that you must face, and this road is not an easy road. The easy road is the road for those who wish to remain asleep and who do not take responsibility for their own spiritual progression. This is not the choice that you have made. This is the choice of the soul to seek out God, to seek out truth and to be in the grace of His Love and so you are and so you shall be forevermore, beloved souls, forevermore in the light and Grace of God. Your mind is often contrary to this and when outcomes are contrary to your mindful expectations, you are eager to point a finger to God and say, “you did not help me. You did not resolve this situation in the way that I wish.” Of course, this is an immature attitude. You must come to a greater place of maturity and spiritual insight, so you may accept and integrate and act upon the lesson that has been given and the opportunity that God has given to you to grow further in truth and love.
I will end my little lecture to you, my beloved students. I know this is not an easy matter or issue in regard to your daily life. Yet, it is something that is very important and relevant to each of you. For your life upon the Earthly plane is rife with challenges, is rife with error, lack of love, darkness, many elements that are all too common in your world. In order to combat the influence, that which presses against you which is of the error and the darkness, you must be cognisant of the wisdom and truth of your own soul and the guidance that God gives you. And in doing so, humility is a formidable avenue towards this understanding. Listening, and even obeying the rules and laws of God. This is hard for many of you because you are willful, because you have your own ideas of things.So this battle of wills is almost constant in some of your lives and with others, there is a gentler approach. Indeed, everyone of you and everyone upon this world continues to struggle in this way. Yet, you have the upliftment of the angels, the blessings of God, the awakening of your soul and the understanding of all that is presented to you in great abundance with great love.
I urge you to listen and to know that soft voice within you, that gentleness that resides within you as humility, which is natural to you within your soul. To accentuate and accept and to bring forward these parts of yourself. In this way, the challenges of life will not be so great. For your perspective will be that of truth and humility and grace. So, may you come to know the grace of God in everything that you do in all aspects of your lives and truly be His servants. For is this not what we pray for, to serve God in our lives, to be truly His instruments in the world?
May you do so, beloveds. May you find your way upon the Divine path and be God’s gentle servants of truth, harbingers of love, instruments to bring comfort and peace to others. There is much to do, beloved souls, much to do. May you find the ways and means to act upon God’s Will and guidance for each of you. God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine. I am glad to be here with you today and speak of these matters, so important in a life lived upon the Earth plane. God bless you. My love is with you all. God bless you.