Messages 2023
Habits, Addictions, and Healing
April 3rd, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
Hello everyone. I am Fred Rogers, and I too am a “Prayer-Aholic”.
I come drawn to this circle for when you do call, we come and often observe and listen to your concerns. Lately much of those things that you have prayed about in the Father’s love have been for healings. My work in spirit as it was on earth is not only with children, but with healing. For humans are creatures of habit. This is why it is of utmost importance to cultivate good habits, healthy habits, prayerful habits, and all the things of human kindness as well. Children who are taught compassion and empathy grow up with a different perspective than those who are bereft of this knowledge, although anyone with an open mind and an open heart will eventually come to the realization of the necessity of kindness, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness.
Habits are one thing; addictions are another. Of course, I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know when I say the world is full of addictions of all kinds. Many are not healthy or helpful and I know the concern of many here for their loved ones who have issues with addictions and pray for them is how to relate and help and lift up someone suffering from the scourge, whether it be of drugs, power, violence, alcohol, sex or food addictions and so forth. All these things that somehow bring momentary relief and release for those and therefore they come back again and again for a little adrenaline, a little calm, a little letting go of their anger, that knot in the heart that must be broken open in love and this, my dear friends, is where you can help them.
You must reach the heart and as they say ‘The heart of the matter,’ for it is truly an issue of the heart because all hearts long for love and with love comes acceptance to be recognized even just as a whole and equal person. When one talks of inhumanity and one sees this in the world, it breaks the heart because there is a lack of recognition of the sacredness of every soul. So many victims and so many oppressors themselves wishing to be lifted up, wishing to be loved. I have spoken through this one before about some of the children that come over, victims of violence and abuse and the difficulties of bringing them our love and compassion and yet ultimately, I can tell you from my work, if you persist, you will break open that shell. The clenched fist will open in acceptance and this work is loving others as God loves you with his love divine.
So, do not despair, do not give up hope, but love those, love your enemies, love those who cannot love themselves, for you bring a light into their souls, a light that they so desperately need. A light and a Love that you have received. This is the greatest gift, for God gives us this Love for the asking and though we cannot put love into another soul, we can shine that light, that grace into the heart of another. Lastly, I say I am honored to speak to such a beautiful group of souls. For you who have discovered the greatest gift and I feel your hearts and your compassion, and I thank you.
May God continue to bless you with the great gift of His love and please know, whenever you ask, I shall come. I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Fred Rogers. God bless you.