Messages 2023
Half-way Checkpoint
June 28th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
I am Seretta Kem. We have come midway in our journey together in this (D.V.) Circle of Light. We have made good progress. We are hoping for great shifts of consciousness within all of you. Indeed, you come close. Some of you have indeed crossed that threshold. And even though you have crossed that threshold, you have not quite realised it yet. Indeed, the consciousness of these changes and shifts within you will become apparent. You will find yourself perceiving the world differently, perceiving your life differently. Yet, as these shifts of consciousness come about, there comes a time when you will either accept or reject this new understanding, this new perception of the world and yourself within it.
In this way, there comes stress and some discomfort within you. For it is not easy to change, beloved friends. It is not easy for you in the Earth plane to make these changes permanent within your lives. Yet, you have come a long way. You have experienced much and you have seen much over the years as you’ve dedicated yourself to your soul’s awakening and development. This is merely another step, another perspective as you allow your soul’s understanding to reside within your everyday consciousness. This you must do if you are to truly be that instrument, that channel for love that you wish to be.
The difference for mindful consciousness and perspective and that of the soul is often great. It is difficult to truly integrate the two. For the ways and means in which the experience and perception and feelings come is different. Yet, in order to bring harmony to your life, there must be an attempt to reconcile these two places, two perceptions, two understandings. If you allow your soul’s understanding to take precedence in your life, then it will prompt you to make great changes in your life. For you cannot truly be in these two worlds, the world of man and the world of God for too long. It causes great discomfort in time. For when you see a truth, truly understand it and come to live it, then it must be your dedication, your perception, the stance that you take in life. You have done so in the past, each of you has changed a great deal, how you perceive life, your priorities, your perceptions and perspectives.
This is another step which will lead to another and another. For the journey of soul progress is unlimited. How it comes to be, the pacing of it is determined by you and your ability, capacity and strength that will lead you to acceptance and integration of these changing parts that insist on being recognised and having their part to play in your life. It’s not easy. You know this. You have experienced the great struggle, the challenges of these changing perceptions. This is not new and it is not so difficult that you do not understand or are confused by what must be done. Often that place of comfort and ease that one wishes to settle into, to avoid the challenges, to avoid the difficulties, those resting places within your consciousness, are often the places where you do not feel motivated to step beyond them. Yet, as you continue to receive the great gift of God’s Love within your soul, here is the motivation. Here is the impetus within you. I know you may ignore the desires of your soul to some extent. You must come to that place of acknowledgement and to commit to those patterns that are new, those patterns of behaviour and thought, action.
We continue to uphold you and support you so that you may make those decisions that are required in order to step forward in order to accept and embrace the changes that are within you. For as you have prayed together in these Circles of Light, both in the flesh and by other means, you are making a statement to each other and to yourself, A statement that says, “I wish to change. I wish to grow. I wish to be in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. I wish to be in the light.” So, those things within you that are not of light require your attention, my beloved and beautiful friends. This has been the theme of our gatherings. This is the requirement so that you will commit to a higher level of being, of thinking, of expression, of light, of love, putting aside the reticence, the fears, the old patterns and all those things that keep you locked into the human condition. You have committed yourself to a path, a trajectory that is quite demanding, but indeed the pace in which you follow this path and express yourself within it and accept the shifts and changes that come with this progress, is entirely up to you. I know many of you are impatient. You wish to have tangible progress immediately. This is a reflection of your worldly condition. Indeed, immediate expressions and manifestations are possible, but it requires the road to be cleared and obstructions to dissolve, the shifts of consciousness to be implemented and truly a part of your life, your perspective.
You are asked, time and time again, to continue to pray, to open yourselves to God and to accept the effects, the response that God has when you do so. For when these blessings are added to you, do you not expect there to be changes, there to be shifts of perspective, gifts opening, many things that are taking place within you? Yet, in this conscious state of yours, this earthly way of being, there is part of you that expects that that which you are commonly used to and comfortable with, shall remain. This cannot be. For when progress is made, it must be manifest. It must be practised, accepted, exercised in your being. For how else is progress truly integrated into yourself but by firstly, seeing and acknowledging it, the change within you, then embracing it, then applying it to your daily life, to who you are, adding to yourself the gifts that God has given to you, the healings and clarity and freedom from your pain and your ignorance so that you are truly a light, a light that shines bright, uninhibited, not having the cloak around it of the human condition and behaviours?
Yet this cloak, this cowling around your light is thin. It is not heavy and immovable. It merely requires your acceptance of change, your willingness to slough off these things so that you come to that place of freedom and joy, of expansiveness, of light. All these things are readily available to each of you. You are well motivated. You have come from various places, your abodes and your lives. You said “yes, I wish to be here. I wish to join in.” Often you come rather naively, innocently with the thought that “I trust in God’s Will and God’s plan for myself and for all of us.” I applaud your willingness, your desire for progress, for change, for awakening. We will continue, my beloved friends. Indeed, my wish for you is that your eyes are opened, that you may truly see those obstacles before you and desire to move past them, rather than colliding with them because you do not open your eyes and look.
My beloved friends, you will always be challenged upon this earthly plane. For the conditions here are powerful and are always compelling you to be a part, to join in to these conditions. Yet, we are here compelling you to do otherwise, to walk beyond these things, to ignore, to turn your back on the darkness, the ignorance, the fears, all that which is part of the human condition that often controls so many, so very many of you. You are struggling like a salmon that struggles up the stream. So you struggle against the current of humanity and it is not easy. We know this.
So why does God send His angels to you? God does so because He has great compassion for you and the struggle that you are in. We continue to uphold you, my beloved brothers and sisters. And uphold you we will. Never shall we abandon you, my beloveds. Never shall that strength of light, of support be removed, unless, of course, you forcibly remove yourself from these beautiful blessings, though this is highly unlikely. You are well enough along the path that you understand the depth of your soul’s commitment to it. You will carry on, each and every one of you will carry on, on this wondrous journey of discovery, of awakening, transformation, of light and love. We are with you. Our love for you is great and we shall never leave, never. When there are times when you feel low and vulnerable and alone, remember what I say, for I am not the only one who has said this. I reiterate our commitment, our desire to support you all in love. So we will, my friends, and so we will.
I am Seretta Kem and I love you, one of many who love you. One of the great wonderments of the Celestial Kingdom who loves you and God who loves you so. You are not alone, ever. You shall be upheld until that time comes when you enter into the Celestial Kingdom and find your true place with God in that wonderful, glorious place of light where joy is endless, where love is the currency always, where the beauty and the light and all that God is reflected in these things, these aspects of Heaven, shall be yours, given freely and abundantly. Oh, how we long for our brothers and sisters to join us in this place and how we understand the journey. For we have each taken that journey and have come to understand the struggles and the triumphs as that journey brings many things to you but most of all, it teaches you how to love, to be in love and to be in harmony with God’s love. So we continue, my beloved friends, we continue upon a great journey together. God bless you. God bless you