Messages 2023
Harmony Will Prevail at the Laurelville Retreat
July 20th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
So now you see, as you continue to work together, that harmony ensues, that all the pieces fall into place as it should. I am Professor Salyards, and I congratulate you in these efforts.
There are no real issues here that may cause concern. Your minds may formulate certain scenarios and ideas that anticipate problems and friction in your group that is growing. But I would urge you to take into account that we will be there to help build the conditions necessary to bring all of your brothers and sisters together in harmony and peace.
Yes, there will always be contrary opinions and ideas coming from the minds of those who value and nurture their ideas, but it is for you to model following the power and influence of the soul in relationship with God. Is this not what a light bringer is, my beloved friends? To be that instrument of light in the world. So it is for you to model this approach, to not be anxious about these issues and the possibilities of issues arising. Rather to walk in faith that all will unfold as it should.
For truly it will. Having so many beautiful lights together, their souls commingling in prayer and sharing their appreciation and love for God will no doubt bring a great light into your midst and will no doubt allay the fears and concerns of those who may have them. Bringing joy and an awareness of the power of unity, the power of love, the power of prayer.
You will create a great light together, my friends.This has been planned for a very long time, much longer than the time that you have spent. For we have been busy for a number of years on your earthly time, orchestrating, influencing, and inspiring those who will come. Indeed our plan is that with many of you, your eyes will be opened, the scales will fall away. You will see from the trueness of your soul’s perceptions that in times to come, rather than suspicion and reticence, there will be openness and a desire to join in these efforts together. To truly be light bringers in the world.
Have faith in this, my beloved friends. Have faith that each of you with your gifts will have the capacity to help ignite the light, the love, the enthusiasm, the inspiration. For truly as you gather, the excitement will build and you will come to know the great power of prayer together as you have never known it. This will ignite a beginning of something truly remarkable. Now, I cannot guarantee that every soul present will find themselves in the midst of such a beautiful condition and accept this. For some are quite stubborn in their condition and their desire to control. With these individuals, you must have compassion and embrace them with love.
The majority who come are truly souls seeking. Souls seeking fellowship. Souls seeking answers. Souls seeking blessings. Souls wanting to contribute in love to one another. This reflects a great momentum that will build and will overcome any negative condition that may arise. So again, I assure you that all will be well.
As for this medium’s questions and concerns, he will be guided. It will come to him clearly. He is quite capable of receiving the guidance and knowing what must be done. It is good that you will allow him the latitude to make these decisions and to inform the ebb and flow of our communications so that all we desire to transmit, to share, to bring to this gathering will be accomplished.
We have great faith in this instrument and we are happy that he is the focal point of these transmissions. He will know and he will be uplifted and have what he requires to be this instrument. He has been told this now for many months that he is the one to be that channel for God. He is not to be worried or concerned about the capacities and what is required to fulfill these duties. For provided that he does what he requires to be physically strong and to be in a condition of love and light, then all will be well. What may come will come clearly.
Indeed there is much on this roster of communication and so it will take some time and some individual efforts. Also, it will take a party of individuals who will be the support, or batteries as you call them, for him. He will know who to ask and who to sit close to and who to be in certain positions in the circle in order to contain the light, the energies, the blessings that will come. There are many gifted and talented individual lights who will gladly comply with this configuration. He will be given the guidance where those individuals will sit in the group. We would ask that each in their own time and way would say a prayer for those times when we will communicate, opening up a circle to the possibilities of blessings and light and truth.
There is much in the works, beloved souls. You feel the momentum building and you see that many are eager to contribute, to be a part of, and to joyfully attend as a valid and beautiful part of an exquisite gathering of light.
May you all be blessed, my beautiful friends. All is well. All is flowing as planned. And if there is a misstep, be assured that we will correct and guide so that all will be in harmony and a part of what is planned.
May God bless you, my friends. May His Love continue to flow into your souls. Seek it readily. Seek it earnestly. Seek it often so that you are prepared for what is to come. I am Professor Salyards. My love is with you all. God bless you. God bless you