Messages 2023
I Am Free!
September 15th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
I am here, it is Kevin. The happiest day of my life was the day I passed into spirit. For I always had a longing to go there and a curiosity as to what that world is like. And now my eyes have been opened and I see the glories of the beautiful sphere in which I reside. I want to thank you all for your prayers, for they helped me to pass easily. I want you to realise that it is important, no matter what condition you are in, no matter what circumstance may be your life, that serving God in love is the key to a good life, bringing to you many rewards and blessings.
I know I was not an easy person to be with, that I had a quirky personality and that some of you were confused by this. But know that I always loved my brothers and sisters. I always honoured you and I wished to serve you. So I did, in the ways that I could. I appreciate your acknowledgment of this. I often wondered whether I was doing any good at all. But now I know that the small efforts that I made mounted up to a great blessing upon me and into me. I am truly a happy man now. I will promise you that I will help you to find your happiness and your journey towards greater light and truth.
We all love God, and we know that God loves us. So, this one truth opens the doors to many things and blessings. How lucky we are to know this, to experience the truth as we do and to see how our journey is that of light, healing, joy and, at times, great peace. May you all be blessed as I have been blessed. May you all find your way as I have found my way. I wish to tell you that I am proof of the power and the glory of God’s Love. For without this, where do you think I might have landed up? Certainly, not in the light. As I tested God and sought to find God and sought to find my own true self, I had to overcome many hurdles, many situations, attitudes, conditions that I created for myself, and to find the truth, as I did, gave me great relief from my own soul’s condition and mindful condition.
How blessed we all are to know this truth and the power of it. God doesn’t mind you testing Him. What God minds is that you ignore Him, that you do not believe He exists. I urge you to find God, to prove to yourself His existence and define the blessings of Love and all that is good that comes from Him and bring it into your life, into your consciousness, into who you are. You will find great rewards in these efforts, in your struggles, in your pain and in your joy, will come the blessings of God’s Touch in everything.
Thank you, my beloved friends. I continue my journey and I do so acknowledging how loved I am by God. And even your love, I feel and acknowlege. And my love for myself, which is the hardest thing to acknowledge, I see it and feel it and know it.
Blessings to you, my friends, and farewell from this old curmudgeon who found joy in the Truth of God’s Love. God bless you all. I love you. God bless you.