Messages 2023
The Impediments of Soul Awakening
February 10th, 2023
Carribean Cruise
Received by Al Fike
May God bless you, beloved students, I am your teacher, Augustine. I come to speak about the sensitivities that humanity carries in the world. In your western world, as you call it, your children are educated to the point where many of their intuitive capacities and sensitivities are trained away. They do not feel as they did as young children. They become immune to the feelings and perceptions that come with a sensitized soul living in the material world. Instead, this is overshadowed by intellect and discipline. Often through their experiences as children interacting with one another, they de-sensitize each other with their actions.
Children are discouraged from crying, from feeling, and from expressing those things that are not in alignment with social values and ideals. You can call this being shut down by social norms and expectations and by the traumas that come with childhood. Yet, throughout your societies, what these experiences are and how they are so common in your world becomes acceptable and common to the point where all children are affected by these conditions, the human condition.
There are other races in the world who are more sensitized and more emotional in their expressions and other societies that accept this as part of the norm. But from your perspective, at least that which you have been accustomed to, these individuals are considered weak or reactive, without discipline, and not containing the means by which the individual may be a successful contributor to society. This is often reflected in racism and prejudice, judgments of others with different coloured skin. There are many ways in which barriers are formed and conclusions are made about other people that are unlike yourself, thus contributing to the separation and barriers that exist in the human condition.
All of these factors contribute to a world that is desensitized to God for how can you come to God without being in alignment with your own emotional state and self? Feelings must be clear and accepted and expressed within the individual for them to be able to acknowledge and experience a relationship with God, for love is an emotion amongst other things. Feelings of love and well-being and bliss and joy, all of these things, are associated with one’s relationship with the Creator. Yet many cannot feel and have barriers to these things, for underneath this barrier are many feelings of anger, fear, and dark conditions which hover near the surface of the individual’s consciousness but cannot be acknowledged because of the individual’s biases and fear of expression and acceptance of the true condition within them. So, they hide away from these conditions with their engaging and material form of thought, distraction, and stimulation which is so prevalent in your world.
Why do so many people hunger for this stimulation, for this distraction? It is because they are afraid of their feelings. It is because they know that within them are a great many intense and powerful feelings that roil about within them. The individual feels a lack of control over them. Yet, often the first step toward true spiritual awakening is to acknowledge the feelings within. Without this re-sensitization of the individual, they will be unable to break the barrier of the mind which has established a structure of control and way of being that often ignores the underlying feelings within. Yet one must penetrate this barrier. One must acknowledge the pain, the confusion, the fear, and the other dark aspects of the individual’s consciousness in order to find their way to this soul.
It is not, as others have said, that they must first cleanse all of these conditions before they are able to know their soul or receive the great gift of God’s Love. Rather, the contrary is true, that with deep prayer and desire and longing God answers such prayers and benefits the individual with the inflowing of His Essence, thereby strengthening the individual, adding to them the possibility of clearing the channel between the mind and the soul. When the individual faces their fears so to speak and comes to reconcile themselves with their true state of being, and in so doing, asks God with sincere longing and desire to be healed of these things, then indeed, the process of healing and awakening begins. The true self may be revealed in time. Those conditions that are not truly a part of the soul and of the individual who is meant to be in the light, fall away with effort and desire.
God will allow them to look at these aspects within themselves in a somewhat controlled way, helping them to acknowledge these things without being overwhelmed by them. In God’s mercy and love for His children, He provides ways and means of healing the hurts and those aspects within the individual’s thinking and perception that are of error. He provides His angels to help nurture and uplift the individual to create a condition around that individual where they are uplifted in light and feel more confident in the process of soul transformation and awakening.
This is a gradual process, one that requires patience and perseverance, one that requires a measure of bravery to look deeper, to feel more intensely, and to open themselves in such a way that they are vulnerable. In this vulnerability comes deep awakenings and perceptions of their true selves. The most common way in which humanity engages in hiding from their true self, from their true condition is to fall asleep, to not truly be awake within themselves but to live upon the surface consciousness of the mind and to believe that this way of being and experiencing life is the true and only way that life may be experienced. Yet in the experience of surface consciousness, much of the individual is not awakened or enlivened or focused upon life. They are merely an intellect, a material mind engaged in stimulation and response, linear deductions and perceptions that are shallow and often subject to many outside influences including those of spirits who are not particularly evolved or of light. Thus humanity is caught in a web of deceit, both their own deceit and that of the conditions around them, that which we call the human condition.
Humanity must awaken and come to that place of truly understanding the meaning of life, the purpose of life, and the potential of life for if they do not come awake, then this earthly condition will intensify and much suffering will come; as it is now, and as it shall be in the future if all are unaware and do not wish to acknowledge the great damage that is being done to their souls, and to the souls around them, and to this world in general. Yet, as we have said many times, the Earth is in process of great change, a change designed to awaken humanity, to force them awake, to shake them awake, to bring them to consciousness. Many will resist for they are adamant about not acknowledging what is truly within them. But the conditions of the world will ensure that they will open their eyes and see for themselves the darkness and great pain that is so much a part of your world.
You are the forerunners. We are making every effort as are you to come awake, to acknowledge your own pain, your own conditions, your own error, and to heal this through the great inflowing of God’s Love, and to restructure your thinking and patterns of thought in such a way that it engenders greater light and harmony, that you come into alignment with the Laws of God’s Love. Insights, visions, memories, ideas, emotional expressions, longings of the soul, all of these things are becoming more acute and intense as you continue to grow in God’s Love. When one is awake, one is aware of all the processes within that require your awareness and acknowledgment. With the cleansing factor of the Divine Love working within you, so many things are expelled from your consciousness but in order for these things to be released, then you must come to consciousness first. Often unpleasant memories and unpleasant thoughts come to the fore. When one is engaged in such an experience, it is important to add prayer to it for it to be healed and released for once released, you are no longer subject to the pain and emotional heaviness of those things that are often left and forgotten but must be acknowledged.
My beloved brethren, students of the truth, it is important to come to understand the process of awakening, the sensitization that must come in this process and how you must come to see yourselves as a child of God so that innocence may be regained in your demeanour and experience in life, an innocence that has been gained with great effort and acknowledging the process of purification and release of conditions that restrict the soul, encrustations as they have been called. It is a daunting process that is one that is most crucial for you to continue to grow and step forward in the light, for light and darkness cannot abide together for long. The darkness must be expunged by the light.
So you are responsible for this, to be engaged consciously in it, and to allow the healing process to take place within you. Indeed, those who are strong may indeed find great rewards in this process of awakening and cleansing. Those who wish to hide away or to slow this process down to such a degree that it would take many, many years to be accomplished, will not become those instruments of light, those channels that God wishes to have in the world, at least not to a degree that is required at this time. Those who carry the Love within their souls will always have within them the potential to be a channel of light for God. It is not a black-or-white situation, a condition that is either clear or not clear.
Indeed you are all somewhere within the gradient of clarity and light. It is our fervent desire that you continue to grow in the light, in clarity, and become a beautiful channel for God. This must happen day by day. Each day is an opportunity, a gift given to you to continue in this process, to be a clear light in the world. So I urge you to be conscious of the conditions within you, those feelings, those biases, those judgments, those conditions that have been imposed upon you from early childhood on. Be aware of the conditions around you in the world, to not absorb these conditions but with light, neutralize them, and even improve them.
It is a time of great change within you and within the world. It is a time that is not always pleasant and carefree. It is a time that challenges everything. You must be strong enough to meet those challenges head-on, to be clear of the conditions that would inhibit your instrumentality, your role that God wishes for you to plan in His great plan for the salvation of humanity. The stronger you are in the light, the more powerful will be the effects of your gifts and your capacity to be utilized by God. As the world changes, God needs those who are strong in the light, who are clear, and who have expunged those conditions that are truly of the human creation, that are dark and not needed. You must step beyond your old self and let these tattered garments of thought, action, and perception be sloughed off. Though you may feel naked and vulnerable, know that God provides you with new raiment, new garments that are beautiful and will assist you upon the journey.
God provides all for you, my children. Beloved students, God shall provide all that you require but unless you are in a receptive condition to receive, acknowledge, and integrate what is given, to truly apply what is given as God heals you and reclaims you in His Love, my beloved students, continue to dedicate yourselves in prayer. Continue to release those conditions you know are not of love. Continue to release the old and worn thoughts and patterns of a mind so thoroughly entrenched in such things. Continue to love, for love is the key to all these things. Continue to love yourself, to love all around you, for how else can love proliferate in the world unless it is expressed through His children of light? Be strong, beloveds. Be clear. Acknowledge those things that are not easy to acknowledge and release them to God. Ask that God replace these things with His Love, that your consciousness is reborn in love, that you see the world in love, that you walk in the world in love, that you are light in the world that the world so sorrowfully needs and the example that so many are seeking.
May God bless you, my beloved students. I am your teacher, Augustine. I continue to teach and to add to these lessons so that you may know practical ways and means to accomplish your goal, to truly be God’s children redeemed and healed and in the light. God bless you. My love is with you, beloved souls.