Messages 2023
In Heaven’s Arms You Shall Abide
March 11th, 2023
Spirit: Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
Let your garden everchanging
Bring the blossoms rearranging
In the glory everlasting
Here where love hath no bounds
Glory rides and light astounds
As a prism colors come
Through the lens and then some
Out of the blue unseen hues
To leave one breathless and imbued
In sacred love of endless shore
Behold the love of evermore
And though I speak as through a mist
Know these words are not adrift
But set on sails of the Spirit
Wind on the spirits breeze
Where my heart abides forever free
How can you know what is to come
Except to say May His will be done
Ah my friends tis my delight
To light a candle every night
The flame of love
So pure so bright
So let us be as one in love
Never-ending from God above
And may our hearts be brought to rest
On Mother Earth her loving breast
Unto the time when you shall rise
From mortal coil with open eyes
Into the realm beyond the skies
In Heavens arms you shall abide
In wonder here no more to roam
Your restless heart forever home
Free to explore in mighty realm
All that is creations helm
Let me say at last to thee
In faith you come in hopes to be
One day upon Celestial shores
You shall arrive as spirit soars
Unto His own in recompense
Where all is love in Spirits sense
A soul perceived and understood
God is great God is good.