Messages 2023
Initiation of the Soul
February 28th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Brothers and sisters, I am Matthew. You have been given the gift of life. A soul residing in the womb of God sets forth upon a journey that they may obtain identity, that they may live a life that is different from that life sequestered within God’s womb, that they may set forth and know the experience of physicality, of having a body, and within that body a spirit body and a soul. All of these elements, a gift from God that ensures that that individual may come to know God’s universe from the perspective of many perceptions and experiences that life may bring.
There are souls that go along the journey of life, collecting their memories and those things within a life that cause joy and pain and all of the spectrum of a body experiencing the physical plane, but often they do not go further than this experience. They are trapped within a mind and a perspective that is limited and yet they fulfil the prime mandate of life which is identity, and they may indeed foster others who may come to this world. Yet, life is more than this, beloved souls. Life is the opportunity to come to God from a different perspective, to come to God with the sensations and experiences and understandings that come with a soul incarnate and in this way, the depth and the breadth of these experiences will grow, especially when they seek to expand their souls in the Divine Love.
So a new journey begins as that soul is awakened and enlivened with the gift of God’s Love, a new perspective, a new way of being, a way in which the soul is transformed and is well upon its journey to at-onement with God. This at-onement is very different from the one as it felt in its creation. This at-onement has with it personality, individuality, and a unique journey of experience with each moment that can not be compared to when that soul was in the womb of God. So you see beloveds, the journey of life is a great gift and can be utilised in many ways. When one begins the journey of soul awakening upon the physical plane, there are many benefits and many blessings that may come upon this journey.
Those who merely experience a life in the physical realm and in the limitations of that physical realm and mental experience of life, miss out on so much. Yet you are entering upon a journey that is higher and broader and full and rich of experiences with God that cannot be obtained in any other way other than with God and His Love pouring within you. This is the ultimate journey. It ensures eternal life. It brings transformation. It is an awakening to further capacities, perceptions, sensations, knowledge and wisdom and greater love that comes with this awakening, this blessing.
You are given doubly a gift, that of a soul experiencing the sensations of a life given in the material plane, but also a soul awakened in the life given by God through His Love. The power of these gifts together make for an extraordinary life, a life that cannot be compared to any other, and each of you have chosen this. Your souls have sparked to life in more than one way and in this, life grows and expands and is truly what God wishes for each one, given their decision and choice to be a part of this particular journey. You are gifted, you are blessed and you are magnificent as a soul who seeks out God in such a definative and beautiful journey that will in time bring at-onement.
My beloved friends, you will join us in the Celestial heavens one day and you will see and experience an extraordinary journey, a journey that brings you beyond the earthly plane into the higher plains of spirit and when you are ready, into the Celestial Kingdom. What wonderments you will know, what joy will be a part of your journey of life. And we are joyed to welcome those brothers and sisters who have made that choice to join us in this eternal journey of awakening and transformation. Indeed, because you have chosen so readily and quickly upon this journey of life, you will ensure the wonderment and glory and blessings of God’s Touch upon you.
You will not be overcome by the darkness and the pain of those who do not see as you do and do not seek as you do. How wonderful is your journey. How extraordinary is your choice. How beautiful is your soul that has the wisdom and knowing of this extraordinary journey and has made the choice to take it upon a path of light and love. May you be blessed beloved souls. May you truly be blessed and come to know the depth and breadth of a soul claimed by God, awakened by God, and truly loved by God.
God bless you beloved souls. I am Mathew and my love is with you all. You are close to all the angels, to all that God is and has to give. May your eyes open, may your gifts expand and bring you to that place of true awareness and awakening, where the soul is enlivened, transformed by Love. God bless you beloveds, God bless you all upon this journey. I love you, as do many. God bless you.