Messages 2023
Keep your Heart Open
November 20th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, your brother in Christ, John. I am the apostle and the one they call the Beloved as you are all Beloved by God. The master said ‘Let thine eye be single’ so I will say this to you. Whatever your practice, whatever your employment, whatever your downtime, keep your heart open. Allow your feelings to take precedence over your busy mind, over this busy world you live in.
All true spiritual perceptions emanate from the soul but are informed by the heart. It may be helpful in times of distress, in times of conflict, or disease, or let me say crisis, to embrace what is going on in your troubled mind, in your worried thoughts, with your heart. Feel your way into your soul where God can bring you a healing and where His light can fill your being. It is more than just being lifted, it is transformation in love, in God’s Love.
If you can remember in any moment to just be present from your heart with the longings of your souls, that moment will bring a blessing to your soul. For as you walk in light, what was in darkness is simply revealed and outshined. This transformation that each one of you is experiencing, this transformation, not only brings true happiness, true joy, but a profound, deep, and eternal bliss, eternal blessing.
You have chosen wisely and now as you eliminate those things in your lives that keep you from accessing your heart, from recognizing your soul longings, you can truly let them go. You can lovingly dismiss them and be grateful that they brought you to this place where only God could help you. For true response to any crisis is asking God to bring you into harmony, into equilibrium, into the flow that is in His love. Many here have already recognized the necessity of my words, of the master’s words and his teachings. For those here, those beautiful souls still pondering this path and their own spiritual practice, I say, follow your heart, follow your soul, that all things will be revealed, that all wounds will be healed, and every crisis will turn into a blessing.
The path to the soul is the path of the heart. You can never love too much and in the love of God, you will grow for all eternity into a transformed being ; ever-changing, ever-expanding, ever-loving, everlasting.
I thank my brother for staying with me in this somewhat of a long message as I know he likes short and simple, perhaps I should say short and sweet. I thank you all again for choosing wisely. Now I step back in the love of God to be in His grace, in this beautiful, blessed, loving circle of light. I am your brother in Christ, in the love of God. I am John.