Messages 2023
The Leap of Faith and Creating Sanctuaries
October 23rd, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, I come in the love of God, I am Noah. It has been a great many centuries since my time on earth and I don’t come often to the earth plane. But we in the Celestial realms are very aware of the earth changes, of the political climate, of all the things that concern humanity and there has been much spoken, I would say even prophesied and certainly discussed about these events that are now occurring and will continue to occur.
In my life I was given a foreshadowing of the events to occur in my part of the world. The events of the flood and the ark and my family and the animals have been greatly exaggerated, however, essentially, they are true. I was not taken very seriously though I was a visionary and those who knew that could take the things that I saw that I foretold, with a degree of seriousness. However, most were unwilling to prepare. And so, it is. You have been given this information (regarding Earth Changes) and what you do with it remains to be seen. I will say this, that first and foremost, your prayers to receive the Love of God and create a physical sanctuary, a spiritual sanctuary, will bring about great blessings upon this earth. These Blessings will give many a glimpse into their destiny, a divine destiny.
On the physical plane there has been much concern, and this will continue with good reason, as it has been suggested and encouraged that you create sanctuaries, places of refuge and so from this vantage point, what we see, you might call many Arks, many places around the world where sustainability, simplicity, sacredness, and reverence in community takes place and will continue.
Most important in THIS community is the foundation of God’s Love, which gives one clarity and insight in the future of the soul being transformed from this mortal world to a divine angel. The seeds of this truth, of this teaching, you will carry in whatever place you decide to be, and these seeds will bear fruit and yes, a new world, in due time will be upon the earth. So whether or not those around you take you seriously, remember you have free will, remember you are community, remember you can gather as you wish and create sanctuary as you can and as you deem necessary for not only your physical safety but for the preservation of divine truth, that God’s Love may have a firm foundation, may be rooted in your souls, that it may blossom on a new day, on a new dawn.
So, you know now what you have been given and how to utilize it and how you bring this to the earth will be your decision. Know also, that you are co-creators and whenever you ask, you shall receive. So, when you receive this vision, pray for the Love of God, ask for the angelic guidance, that those of us who minister for the Creator will come to your aid. Lastly, I say to you, be at peace. Do not be troubled. For all is healed, all is well, all is blessed, in the love of God. Let us be in this love in this moment as we let all else go that separates us.
We are with you, and we were once on earth as you are now, and we love you so and the heavenly father loves you beyond your imagination. Let us be in the love. May God bless you and I thank you. I am your brother in Christ in the love of God. I have come. I am Noah.
I am here, Care. My dear ones, I only wish to add to what brother Noah has gracefully said that what is required for change is a leap of faith. For Noah acted upon his guidance and all of you know, no matter how reluctant you may have been, no matter how many doubts you had, when you acted on your guidance, miracles happened. And there you were with your grateful heart and your loving soul in gratitude, in thanks, so glad that you took that leap, whether it be big or small. I must say, this is what is required, and it will take deep prayer and deep guidance and it will be given to you, that you may act on it , that the world may be blessed and healed in God’s time. I love you and I thank you. Go in the grace of God. I am Care.
Note by editor. Care is the soul mate and was, when on Earth, the wife of the medium. She is an amazingly gifted and spiritual lady who knew the day of her own passing into spirit. So one can be confident that the spirit named Moses is indeed the historic Moses.