Messages 2023
Living in the Joy of God’s Love
August 1st, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Are you feeling the joy, my beloved friends? I am Orion. The joy of life, the joy of your own being engaged in this great gift that is life. For it is in this recognition, this understanding of the soul awakening to the wonders of God that you may mark your progress and be within the true flow of God, His Love, His Grace, His Will.
For when you are in that true flow, when you feel the grace of God upon you, when you have put aside the Earthly things and Earthly conditions and you rise above into the light, closer to God, then you come to realise what God intends for you, what is meant for every soul. When you are in this condition, are you not a more effective instrument for God and for the great effort that we are all making to help awaken humanity? For in this condition you are awake. You are realising how wonderful is God’s creation. Your perceptions are coming alive and you are more in attunement with all that is in the world of God.
Allow yourselves the luxury of joy, the wonderment of perception, the feelings that come with the soul knowing how loved it is and how love is pouring through within and toward others. In this state of grace, you are truly realising that which you pray for, that which is truly your soul condition, that you must work and strive to express and truly be part of your life. It is a choice, as you well know, to acknowledge the awakening, to put aside the mindful restrictions and barriers to that awakening, to subscribe to light, to joy, to that way of being that is in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. That choice is with you in every breath. You cannot avoid the choice. For who and what you are at this very moment and every moment of your day, is an invitation, a realisation, an expression of God’s Love and the joy of it, the depth of it, the breadth of it.
All that is His Love, you do not know. In reality, you will only come to discover upon the eternal journey of awakening. With that which you do know, my beloved friends, revel in this knowledge, this experience, this awareness and cultivate it within your consciousness. In this way you will come to know the workings of your own soul, the workings of God’s great Soul, all that is in this wonderful reality which is the true reality of existence, of creation. All the rest is irrelevant to some degree. It is not so important that you must dedicate your life to understanding the reality of man. For this is folly. It is crumbling, day by day. It is no longer a valid part of human existence. Inasmuch, this is not God’s intention for each and every soul, it is only that you decide to subscribe to the human condition and reality, that you adhere to your old habits and old thoughts and patterns.
A new day is dawning, my beloved friends. Can you not feel it in the air? Can you not sense the joy, the anticipation and the wonderment of something that is coming that is magnificent and beautiful and meant for every soul. Be in alignment with this, my beloved friends. When you find yourself deeply immersed in the world of man, take time in prayer and contemplation. Take a breath and choose life, the life of God, the life of your soul and you will be happier for it. The joy will be infused in everything and you will be greater in light, resplendent in light, beautiful in light.
May God bless you abundantly. May you allow yourselves to be blessed. Allow yourself to be free from the burdens of the human condition and be immersed in the wonderment of God. God bless you. I am Orion and I love you all, my beloved friends, friends of the Truth of God, the Love of God, the creation of God. May you be blessed accordingly. I love you. I love you all with such tenderness and feelings of joy where you begin a journey like none other. God bless you. God bless you all in His Love.