Messages 2023
Mary comes on the Beams of Light of Your Song
February 1st, 2023
Florida, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
Bless you, beloved souls, I am Mary. I come on the beams of light that you have created in your song and longing and prayer. I come to you because, at this moment, we are all together in this loving act of prayer to God. As such, with this unity that you create, this resonance of longing, God is here, His Holy Spirit pouring love into your soul. Open wide and know the blessing, His response to your beautiful song and prayer and desire, as the soul resonates in love, receiving what it has always sought, the infilling of the Essence of God. For your souls have been created for such things and your souls will be transformed by it.
We are with God at this moment, His Touch upon each of us. We rejoice in His Touch, the wonderment and miracle of His Love. Can you not feel this potency and power? It is mixed with peace and joy. It presses upon you with a desire in itself to be within you, fulfilling the task that God has presented by sending His Holy Spirit forth. That you may be deeply touched by this gift, that all that is not in harmony with Him and His creation is expunged from you. That you might live a life in harmony with the Laws of Love, expressed by the power of love, so that all about you and all in your life may be transformed by love.
This is the truth, my beloveds. This is what God wishes for you to know. All those things created by man in the pursuit of truth is ironically counterproductive. It takes man away from God. It leads His children to a place that is not of God, but the fabrication of man. How sad God is, that His children cannot truly be with Him. Not because they are incapable, but because others have convinced them that they cannot do so. Without these fabrications and ideas that are purely of man, you are with God in this moment. You shall know God more fully with each breath each day that passes. It is the gift that God gives you to awaken to Him and to awaken to your true selves, that place that is so blessed, that is of grace and joy.
So, we are here together. So, we know without a doubt, the Touch of the Holy Spirit upon us, and in this we know our Heavenly Father who loves us so. Drink deep, beloveds, drink deep. So, we pray together: “Father, open my soul to great inflowing of Your love. Lift us up beyond the realms of man to that of your making and your being, that your grace may befall upon us and we may be cleansed, purified, uplifted in this grace. We are truly your children and, as such, we walk this path Divine together. May you bless us, dear God, and uphold us, protect us and light the way towards everlasting love and joy and peace. We are yours, beloved Father, our Creator. We are yours forever and we love you. Amen.” I am Mary. I love you always and forevermore. I love you.