Messages 2023
Offers His Perspective and Encouragement to the DV Dozen
July 18th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
May God’s Love flow into your souls, my beloved and beautiful friends. I am Seretta Kem. I come to support you, to pray with you and to speak with you. We work with many upon your Earth plane. Our approaches vary according to those individuals who we work with, the cultures, the perspectives, the ideas arising from their minds. Yet we are truly blessed to be able to work with you who understand this great Truth of Divine Love. Those who are struggling and striving toward light and truth, to be that instrument that God has deemed you to be, placing all the gifts and capacities to love and demonstrate love within you.
We do not have this luxury with many others. For they are mired in the conditions and thoughts of your material world. Yet they have a soul that longs for truth and love as well. Many are prayerful. Many, though they do so in a roundabout way, receive the great gift of God’s Love. These are the individuals that will be called in times to come as we lay the foundations, as we work with these individuals to help bring them above the human condition, as we do with you and help them to be in the light.
You are unique because you understand this great truth of love. You are not alone, nor are you one of only a handful who are a part of God’s great plan for the salvation of humanity. You play a pivotal role. You carry a powerful truth. You are a light, your souls shining with the great gift of God’s Love. Thus you will become leaders. You will become those bright shining lights reaching forth your brothers and sisters, urging them along the path, helping them to climb above the human condition. As we have said so very often, through so many different ways and means, it is important for you to take your responsibilities seriously and to walk in the light with every breath, to not indulge yourself in judgments and negative thoughts and feelings, whether these things are directed inward or outward. They are equally potent, this negative condition that so many of you carry. You believe to be true the judgements of your own character and inability to be in the light. These things come from your mind and also they come when there are cracks and fissures in your being that allow darkness to enter therein.
You must guard yourselves against these conditions. How do you do so, my beloved friends? You do so by disciplining your minds, by not allowing these conditions to enter into your consciousness, by immunizing yourself from the flow of dark thought which is so prevalent in your world. You do this through prayer. You do this through awareness. You do this through exerting your own capacities to be in the light. For you know what light is. You know how you might be in the light. Your great challenge is holding back the old patterns and conditions that you were born with, that you were born with through the many generations that have passed on these conditions. You have sustained them for many years. Thus it is truly a difficult challenge. Though you continue to nurture yourselves, your soul in the Love of God, the Truth of God’s Love, the truth that you are loved.
Yet part of you maintains this other reality, this other truth that you are unloved and that you are unworthy. This is to a degree in each of you,in some it is to a minor degree and for others it is quite a predominant condition. It is very challenging indeed, a dilemma. I remind you once again of these challenges. I remind you of how you must make a concerted effort to overcome them, to be in the joy and grace and bliss of God’s Love, to accept this love given, this light proffered to you, this message that is so simple, yet is powerful enough to change the world. You must live this message. You must be this love. You must be in the light always. In this way, we may come closer. We may work more readily with you. You may be a clear and bright channel in God’s Love in the world and thus bring about, more readily, the reclamation of your world, and most certainly, the reclamation of the world in which you abide and have created for yourself.
Be strong, my beloveds. How many times must we say that you are truly loved? For this truth is evident and demonstrable in your lives. Believe it. Live it. Accept it. Move further into light as you slough off the burdens of old paradigms and ways of thought and adopt the Truth, the Light and the Love that God gives to you. It is yours for the choosing and many of you are in this light more often than not. Yet, when you are weary, when conditions around you challenge you, when others are in pain and suffer, when you see that you are alone, then you are vulnerable and you seek solace in old ideas, rationalising these conditions, accepting them for what they are. Yet these conditions are man-made, not by God, but by all who are upon this world, including yourself. Thus, they can be changed and healed by the Touch of God.
You can awaken to a new world, a new reality, a new paradigm. It is in your choosing that opens the door. It is in your prayers which help create and sustain and nurture the new world that is emerging within your soul and your consciousness. Have faith that this transition from old to new is continuing to take place with every breath. Know your new self, your true self and find the liberation of this knowing and acting upon this truth. In this, you will find great joy, great relief, great healing, great peace.
May God bless you on this journey, my beloved friends. I am Seretta Kem. I am happy to speak to you today. I am happy to accompany you to this new world, these new thoughts, this new reality. I will, and many others, will be with you as you struggle toward it and are truly a part of it. God bless you. My love is with you, my friends, always and evermore. God bless you.