Messages 2023
One Truth Many Expressions
December 2nd, 2023
Running Springs, CA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
May the blessings of the Father’s Love pour upon you. My beloved brothers and sisters, I come. I am Jesus. I come to be with you in prayer, to assure you that all that is and outpours from this group is of light and harmony. You are unique souls, unique personalities, and you have your unique perspectives on truth. But this does not mean that one is in error and the other is not. It merely means that the road toward truth continues to be a graduated and long journey.
The understanding of truth is interpreted by the material mind and as such it is subject to many interpretations, many perspectives. Yet the truth of the soul is consistent and common amongst you all. There is no variation there. The truth of the blessing of God’s Love is consistent and will continue to be consistent in all of you. You share this truth together. You are an expression of this truth, one that unifies and upholds this truth in its simplicity, power and beauty.
Thus you have come to meet friends from other planets in the galaxies of God’s creation. In this there comes a confirmation of truth, is there not? That your friend, Orion, as he calls himself, affirms the truth in what he has to share with you. He is another living example of truth and he earnestly wishes to uphold you all and keep you all in the light. He is a powerful instrument of love, of universal love, the love that is within God’s Soul. The Essence that is within His Soul is within Orion’s soul. It is within your souls.
The linkage, the connection, the consistency, the power of truth brings you all together. It brings me. It brings him. It brings the angels. It brings the bright spirits and your stellar friends. All are linked by the great truth of God’s Love. In this truth and the power of this truth, there is the possibility of connection and communication. This is how you are experiencing the great blessing of God’s Love in these interconnections, the weaving together of this Lattice of Light that brings you all into harmony together.
God’s great plan continues to unfold. Is it not surprising the outcomes, the manifestations, the ways and means that this plan is expressed? For there is much that you still do not know and there is much that is coming that will surprise you and will open up many avenues and doors of understanding and realisation of the truth. We are not just one planet isolated in God’s universe. We are one planet of many that in God’s plan are destined to be connected and a part of the great civilisation of humanity, all of humanity.
In this, many dilemmas, many problems, much pain and darkness that exists here on Earth will be resolved by the support of many bright souls from many different avenues and expressions. This is part of the unfolding and healing of this world, the great change that is coming. You, my beloved friends, are taking part in the initial outcomes and expressions of this plan. The momentum will build and much will come of it.
Many beautiful souls will be interwoven together. This will make a formidable force upon the Earth, opening up ways to awaken humanity, to bring higher understanding and truth to humanity. To help humanity come to the realisation of what is important, what is necessary, what is in harmony with God’s creation, who and what they are, humans, beautiful souls seeking the light, the ways and means of opening the door to their longings within. That in their consciousness, they may come to realise what it is that they truly seek, who they truly are, and what their relationship is with the great Creator of all and all that is created.
These things must come to humanity, not as some unusual and unique experience that is easily forgotten, but in such a way that humanity will come to realise, consciously and consistently, the truth of their existence and what is truly a part of the flow of life. You are a part of this endeavour to awaken your brothers and sisters. We are all a part of this great endeavour to open the hearts and minds, the souls of humanity to the truth, the truth that is consistent and shall never change, but shall always be expressed and alive in the firmament of God’s creation.
You have come to realise this. You have come to the fountainhead of Love, the Divine Love. You drink thirstily and with earnestness. This shall be your salvation and what will transform and open your consciousness to the greater truths of God’s creation and being. All things come from this one act of putting love above all other things, all other aspects of life.
Love is the key. The Divine Love is the highest blessing, the Essence of God given to you upon your request and longing. It is for you to share this truth and to express it in all that you do, my beloved brothers and sisters. In so doing, you are my disciples and you are God’s instruments to bring the change, the truth, the light to humanity. It is not a complicated, difficult passage to understand this. The truth of love is simple. It can be known by anyone, provided that they are open to it and come to explore the wonderment of it. You are together affirming this truth, affirming the way to at-onement with God. I come to be a part of your efforts and all the efforts made to bring light, greater light to your world, to our world.
I am Jesus, your brother and your friend. I shall never leave you, beloveds, never. May we walk together upon the path bright and beautiful leading ever upward toward at-onement with God. God bless you. My love is with you, my beloved friends. I shall always be there, always. For we are bonded by the most powerful force in the universe, the Love of God. God bless you. God bless you all, my beloved friends. I love you forever.