Messages 2023
Orion speaks of the help available
January 27th, 2023
Received by Al Fike
Peace and love to you, my friends. I come upon a request from my brother. I am Orion. I come to speak to you about our perspective regarding life, the true meaning of life. We see things somewhat differently from you because we live in an environment that is not cluttered by what you call the human condition. We live as pure souls progressing in pure love. We are of the light. We have no conflicts or issues to be resolved as you do. Rather, all is in harmony and peace and joy.
This is not accomplished because we have superior intellect as your Science Fiction writers indicate regarding extraterrestrial beings with expanded craniums, so very heavy that it would appear that they could not and cannot support such a size upon their body. This is a myth, for true knowledge and understanding does not come just from intellect for intellect is the most rudimentary form of knowing and understanding any and all issues regarding life. It is an instrument, a capacity that all creatures of God have to some degree. Indeed, you realize that you have a great degree of mental capacity and perception. In your culture, you revere this as the highest and utmost of ability in your world and those with great intellect are honoured and rewarded. Yet, those things of a spiritual nature are not acknowledged in this way.
On the planet in which I reside, however, a great balance has been struck. In this, great understanding, clarity, and joy if you will, comes to us with each and every breath of our life. The intellect has been absorbed by the mind of the soul. Thus, those mental capacities that you value greatly have been completely absorbed by finer or more finely tuned capacities and gifts that reside within your soul and our soul. In this way, are we not brothers and sisters? We both possess a soul. As I said, many creatures have a mind, a material mind, in order to navigate the material world but there are only those in the universe who possesses a soul that can progress beyond this purely material form of thought and action.
So, we are your true brothers and sisters though we may take a form that is somewhat different from yours. Indeed, the template of life ensures that the differences are not great. We do not move upon our planet possessing many tentacles and arms or several heads. This is a ridiculous fantasy conjured up by your writers of what you call science fiction. We are like you and there is not a great difference other than the fact that indeed upon our planet, we have progressed far beyond those conditions in which you inhabit and created. We do no such thing. Our children are born in pure love and they are born in the same way that your children are born and conceived.
There is light on our planet that is great and nourishing and fulfilling. We do not have to exert ourselves as you do in order to survive in this place. We are able to manifest that which we need out of thin air. At least from your perspective, it would be out of nothing. But indeed, we understand the mechanisms of the universe to such a degree that we are able to manifest many things. We do not have mechanisms and technologies as you perceive them. Material mechanics are not required. Although we certainly have, mechanisms that benefit us in every way. Indeed, this individual with whom I speak through has had the opportunity to see some of these things and experience them.
Yes, there are many things I could share, many details which I’m sure those of you listening to this message may want to know for your curiosity is great and you wish to compare your world with ours. Suffice to say that these worlds are very different indeed. The trajectory of our progress as a race, as God’s creatures, has been very different. Thus, we have eliminated, as I have said, many of the barriers and challenges that you face in your world. Yet, because we have done so does not mean that we ignore those who are struggling such as you in this world. Rather, we have made it our goal and purpose to uplift humanity for we see you as humanity. The human race is vast in the universe. But there are those who struggle and there are those like ourselves who have found deep and profound answers to many questions and dilemmas and have come to understand the workings of the universe in many ways and means.
Thus, we come to you to help you, to uphold you, to bring our gifts for your benefit. We are not creatures with ulterior motives. We cannot lie and we cannot manipulate things to our advantage. Rather, what we do is to your advantage for we suffer great disadvantage coming to you. We leave a place of pure light and perfection and come to a place that is very much not in the light nor is it perfect. If you were in our shoes, would you do the same? Would you be willing to sacrifice essentially your well-being in order to reach these dear souls who are suffering greatly? It takes deep motivation from within in order to make this journey and come to you in this way.
Yet indeed, we are truly blessed with the opportunity for as we share our light, as we teach those of you who desire to progress and understand what true life is, we fulfill a deep need and function which is present in all God’s children. It is to serve, to uphold, to bring greater light, to help foster the trajectory of progress in the universe for all things must progress and must evolve into something higher and greater than it is. This is a law. Within the workings of God’s creation, this law may be fulfilled by those who have progressed further than others. You experience this with your angel friends and you experience this now with your other world friends.
So it is in the universe as long as there is receptivity and desire to continue to progress toward light and harmony. Though you have made great progress in the material sense in your world but at what price, my friends? What price do you pay as the natural world suffers from your efforts and your actions? The warning signs are all around you that all is not as it should be, and harmony is not the primary reflection of your planet. Rather, disruption, difficulties, disease, and troubles of many kinds continue to plague your beautiful planet.
God created everything. God set into motion all things. But indeed, our perception of God is somewhat different from yours. You have a God that is personal to you. God makes that effort to create a personal relationship between your soul and God’s Soul. God is doing so because you are in need of this, this comfort, what you call your Heavenly Father who watches over you and ministers to you. This is a great blessing to those who are receptive and open to it. Because of our progression and the level of light and soul development that we possess, we are not in need of this personal God even though we could indeed access such a thing and have the experience of it and we have done so at some point in our lives. Because of the spiritual progress that we have made and the amount of time we spend in material form upon our planet which is much greater than yours, we come to a point where we do not need the personal counsel of God. Rather, we attune ourselves to universal truths and the many reflections and creations of God. We access many things through the capacity of our souls, the perceptions, gifts, and abilities within our souls being realized and expanded in tremendous ways.
This does not mean that we are not aware of God’s Love for us. We certainly have a great love for God but our needs are different. In this way, our expression of the soul, our priorities, and focus in our lives reflect the great progress of our souls. Our needs are not great. Rather, what we have to offer to others, not only upon your planet but in the universe, is great in scope and ability. Thus, we are God’s emissaries of light, truth and love. This must come with every progressed soul in the universe. God allows and awakens us to all the potentials that we might carry in order to access the universe in such a way that we may travel at will in our spirit bodies.
So, here we are. Your friends who you may not have considered to exist in your reality but here we are present because you desire our presence. Open because you desire our help and assistance. Receptive because as you are, so are we children of the Creator of All. Thus, the blessings from God are the same. These blessings emanate out into the universe. Those who are fortunate enough to access these blessings, as you might call energies, are upheld, transformed, and awakened in many different ways. Thus, we are here to witness your birth into the reality of God. We encourage this for your world is on the cusp of great change. A great opportunity will come with this change to be birthed into a new reality, to come to understand life from a new perspective, one that is deeper, fuller, and more mature than that which humanity carries at this time.
There is so much to discover, my beautiful friends. There is so much waiting for you and we are poised to make a meaningful connection, and contact with those of you on Earth so that we may help you and point you in the right direction. We do not require anything from you regarding this effort for indeed, the great Creator of All provides much, provides all that we require. Rather, like a parent toward a newborn child, there is great love and great effort made to uphold and nurture this child. So, we see you as this, as children who are waiting and willing to grow and progress in the ways and means that are within each of you but are in need of ignition to bring forth your true and wonderful self. Great potentials are within you. Much waits to emerge, grow and develop. So, I am happy, as are my cohorts, to assist you in your progress for every light that burns bright in your world is a light that shall be utilized to help humanity grow.
The world is not in need of more material progress because this has caused a great imbalance. This has not helped humanity in a meaningful way. It has made your material life somewhat easier. It has given you many distractions, many capacities to live in your societies and cultures in such a way that your material needs are met but there is a great deprivation in the world, a lack of true understanding and awareness of what you require to be fully realized and fulfilled human beings.
This is the next step, my friends. All of you of light are being prepared and nurtured in such a way that you may teach these things. Even though these truths are exceedingly simple to understand, how many have taken the step forward into the light and true understanding? Very few indeed. Yet, as we work together with your angel friends with God’s blessings upon us all, we will reach out and befriend all lights upon your Earth, all those beautiful souls who are struggling for truth, desiring light, and awakening within. You are destined to become enlightened, provided you make the effort, follow the simple rules and laws that God has put before you, and be in alignment with all that is of the universe fulfilled in love.
My friends, we will continue to converse and speak of these things for you are receptive and you draw the truth to you in this way. Your desires are clear and strong. You wish to thrive, to be fulfilled, and to live a life with deep meaning and purpose. This shall be the case as you continue to slough off the old and worn ways of a tired world that has sustained humanity for so long, given so much without the return and balance that is required. As you grow in light, so you not only nourish yourself but you nourish the world. You shall become great channels, conduits of light, energies, blessings, healings, and benefits for a world under great stress, not only will these blessings be given to your brothers and sisters but for this beautiful planet as well, this beautiful jewel which floats in space, a creation of God.
May you come to see yourselves as this light, come to be this light, come to express this light in loving intention as you atune yourself to all that is of creation, of love and harmony with creation. We are with you. Have no doubt, we are with you and we bring many benefits to uphold you. Our love is with you. We know the Love Divine, as you call it. We live within this great blessing that nourishes us so greatly, so beautifully, and so powerfully. You have found the source of universal progression, expansion, light, and truth. Continue to seek, to pray for this gift, to be with God. As you have been told so very often, all other things shall come in the stead of love and light. Blessings to you, my friends, great blessings. My love is with you. I am Orion and I am happy to speak to you today. God bless you in love.