Messages 2023
Our Role on Earth
January 25th, 2023
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, my friends. I return. I am Michael Collier. Since you have enjoyed my conversations with you in the past, I have come again to speak to you. I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom and have been for some time. But it is a great privilege and blessing to come to this Earth plane and speak to those who desire to hear of the Truth of God’s Love. Indeed my desire is to speak to many others regarding this truth and regarding the journey toward the eventual entrance into the Celestial Kingdom but there are few who wish to listen. Those who do listen are well on their way to the kingdom. So I often find myself speaking to the choir as do many angels who speak through mediums in Circles of Light such as this. Yet our true desire, as is yours, is to reach others who are seeking to bring the glad tidings of God’s Love to them.
You have had conversations about how to approach this effort to share with the world this great truth. There are many souls in the world who are seeking but they are not aware of this fact, which seems somewhat contradictory. For within their soul is a deep desire for God yet within their mind is a numbness, a hollowness that prevents the desires of the soul to come forth into their conscious self. Instead there is a restlessness, a longing that is unquenchable because the individual does not know how to satisfy this thirst. They do not even know what this thirst is. They are lost in their own illusions and very much a part of the human condition. This is why God is setting forth to change the parameters of this world so that the powerful influence of man upon the consciousness of all will be thwarted and will dissolve into the energies, blessings, and changes that are coming to the world. As this transformation takes place, there will be many who will feel lost and disoriented. Yet, the longings of their soul will become more evident. Who will speak to them? Who will comfort them? Who will speak of the solutions, the ways to heal and bring to harmony these longings and desires of the soul? God will not speak the truth from the heavens above, booming through the clouds to His children. This is pure fantasy. God will send His angels. Yet indeed, they are limited, as you well know, in their communications with men. God requires bodies upon the Earth, individuals, channels of light and those who are educated and prepared to travel upon the Earth and speak to many.
During these times of chaos and upheaval, how will you be able to do so? I say to you that God will ensure that you are able to do so, not through material means, not by providing for you unlimited wealth and capacity to travel for these things will not be readily available in these conditions of change. Rather, with enough faith and enough development of the soul through Divine Love, you will be able to travel in the world at will. This may seem rather preposterous but I say to you that the potentials of your soul are magnificent and much of those potentials are not known to you at this time.
You will travel and you will connect with many. You will appear to many. This will happen in ways that will affirm the Touch of God upon you, His blessings flowing through you. Of course, these things are not possible if you are not ready and developed, so to be in alignment with God’s Will and plan. For you to be able to go from one place to another by thought, using abilities other than by mechanical and material means. Instead, this will be accomplished by using your spiritual gifts.
In order to do so you must come to be open, receptive and filled with God’s Grace. Do you see yourselves in such a position at this time? I would suggest that you are not. Thus, we are encouraging you in your prayers and development in order to realize these potentials. You have every opportunity available to you. Nothing at this time is restricted. You are given, as Jesus has said, a great dispensation. In other words, you are given more than what would normally be available to those on the Earth plane.
You have legions of angels at the ready. You have the power of God’s Touch increasing with each day. Everything is poised to respond, to uplift, and to develop you into the instruments, individuals that you are meant to be upon the world readied for the great tumult and conditions that are coming. You will need for nothing, my beloved and beautiful friends. You will have everything at your disposal. What is required is your dedication, your commitment, and your efforts. This we repeat over and over again for I do not think that you realize what is being offered to you. You do not realize your part to be played and the effort that must be made to bring together the potential and the realization of what can be. You are adults. You understand the basics of your life, the power of your choices, the need for greater harmony within you, greater love glowing within your soul. These things you understand. There is no need to teach you the ways and means of doing so.
Rather, it is the encouragement to go to another level, for your dedication to be deeper, and wider, that you may understand more fully what it is that you are meant to do. God has seeded many with these potentials but as the old parable goes, some seeds are cast upon stone, some upon the soil, some receive what they need to germinate and sprout and some do not. Each of you has been cast upon the soil. You know that the Living Waters of God, His Love will nourish that seed and bring great growth to it. That growth can be tremendous because the amount of nutrients, tending and nurturing of it has been magnified by God’s great blessings upon you. This is an example of the dispensation that is given. Many more things have been given to you, great protection, angels by your side always. There is not a moment when they are not with you with light poured upon you. Upliftment, upliftment, and upliftment are constant, helping you to come to the realization that indeed a great door has opened and you must step through the threshold so that you may indeed become that instrument that God intends.
I know within your minds you are doubtful. You feel inadequate. You know your flaws. You are aware of your limitations. But I say to you that with God’s Hand upon you and all that is possible with His ministrations and efforts to benefit you, these limiting ideas and conditions that you carry are paltry in comparison to what can be. Yet indeed, since you are human and you are willful, you tend to hang on and nurture the myth that you have created within yourself, those things that have created such limitations, forming within your mind a message of unworthiness and that you are unloved. This is a great error. It is an illusion for within you, as I have said, is great potential and great light. Is it not to your benefit to acknowledge these things rather than to feed the error and to be weak rather than strong? You each carry great strength within your soul. Within your soul is the knowledge of that which God intends for you to do in the world. Yet, you hide from this. You tend to live your life in the material mind, that consciousness that is comfortable, that allows you to navigate the world and feel like you belong in this world.
I say to you, my friends, you do not belong in this world in the way that you think. You have a greater purpose. It is said and we encourage you to be in the world but not of the world. Those who are of the world are engaged in conditions that are not in harmony with love, at least Divine Love. Yes, of course, every human soul in this world is seeking love and giving love in natural terms and capacities. Yet, in conjunction with that, most are also transmitting fear, judgment, and error. So many in your world are of both light and dark, a dichotomy that causes great stress within so many as they try to understand themselves and the world. Some have come to prayer. Some lay their pain upon the feet of God and find comfort there but there are so very few.
As the pain increases as the conditions of stress affect each child upon this planet greatly, where will they go? How will they know that they can indeed turn to their Heavenly Father? For within their minds is great resistance, a great suspicion that God does not exist or if He exists, He does not care and if He cares, He only cares to punish and create more pain in the world. Oh, how very wrong this is, how very misguided. Yet, this is the predominant attitude and perception within most individuals. There are those who are faithful, to be sure. But indeed, mixed in with this faith are many ideas, religious doctrines, and dogma that inhibit our coming and speaking with them clearly. There is only a handful on the Earth who are not subject to these restrictions.
So, we come to speak to you dear souls and to anyone who will listen. We come to encourage you to put aside all conditions that are not of light and in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. This is your challenge, my friends, a challenge that you are well aware of. Yet, you must live your life and so you do. I would encourage you to take into account where your priorities are because if indeed the material world and your involvement and engagement with it is the primary source and motivation for your actions, then though you may know intellectually the Truth of God’s Love, though you may recite your prayers and seek to be God’s channel of Love, your primary commitment toward the material will cast a great pall over your desire to be of service to God.
Indeed, if God is your priority and your relationship with your Heavenly Father is so important to you that none else matters then I say to you that the material concerns will melt away for as you seek the Kingdom of Heaven, all things shall come to you. This is the truth. When you do not allow those concerns of your mind and those patterns so well established within it to dominate your actions and your deeds, you will come into harmony with God and know joy, fulfillment, and a life that is in light. You will suffer not, my friends. There is much for you to do and you have been given your marching orders, so to speak, what you are required to do at this time. Overt actions are not necessary in regard to your service to the world at this time. Rather, prayer, focus, prayer, focus, recalibrating your mind’s needs, ideas, and paradigms, putting great effort into preparation in all ways so that when the time comes, you will be ready. I do not suggest that you ignore your brothers and sisters in their needs, your families, etc, rather, within your mind and your consciousness put God first and be aware of God’s Will, to be in harmony with the Laws of Love, to seek for a constant inflowing of this gift of Love. In this way, you align yourself with those special dispensations given. You will see for yourself the power and wonderment of that which God is giving to you and that which will manifest in your life.
With this, all your chores and duties, those things of material concern will fall into place and will not be such a great distraction. Indeed, while you walk on the Earth and live your life, you will feel that you are with God and God is with you. Is this not what all of you want and deeply desire, bliss and joy, wisdom, strength and faith? With all of these things, the Grace of God will be with you constantly. Not in the way that many of you tend to segment your time and pray at this moment and then put aside God and go about your business. Rather, your life will be a constant prayer. Your business will be the business of God. This is what we need from you, my beloved friends. It is a tall order, I know, to ask you to re-organize and re-calibrate your lives in such a way that it will reflect harmony with the Laws of God, harmony with God’s Will, harmony with your own soul.
Indeed, this is what we ask of you, for the time grows short and the preparation is great. So, I assure you my friends, that all that you require will be given to all of you. All those who are serious in the world to be in harmony with God’s Will and Love, to be in harmony with His plan for the salvation of humanity. In this way you will foster a great light around you and God will infill you with great Love. There will be no dilemmas, no doubts, and no confusion as to what the truth is. It will all come to you as the great gift of His Love continues to heal and transform you.
My beloved friends who are indeed eager, may you come to know a new life, a life that is resplendent in the Truth of God, the Love of God, and the Light of God. This is what we pray for each and every day for each and every one of you for this will be the key to transforming the world. We lean heavily upon you in our need for you to be a light in the world for you are an important link in the chain, a chain that shall bring about many events to transform humanity from darkness to light. Be strong. Do not be that weak link but the strong link, the vital link for the work to proceed. My love is with you, my friends. I am Michael Collier. I continue to take interest in your efforts and desires to serve God. So, I have come to help elucidate what it is that you are praying for and what it is that you need to become, so to truly fulfill your purpose and your desire of the soul. God bless you, my friends. May His Love find a constant inflowing into your souls. May you seek this gift with every breath.
So the journey continues and the awakening unfolds in love and light, the beauty of truth, the power and strength of God’s blessings through you. So it shall be in accordance with your desires, a reflection of your efforts, an unfolding of your soul growing in Love. God bless you, my friends. God bless you. My love is with you, my prayer is constant. Know that you are loved always. Thank you.