Messages 2023
Real Happiness
June 12th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here, Care, your sister in Christ. Ahh, the elusive happiness that all humans seek. For some, it is as simple as a meal. For others, as severe as protection from the ravages of war, drought, or famine. Yet one often sees in the direst environments the happiness of children, for their innocence connects them in a kind of gratitude for every moment. This is not to say that children around the world are free from suffering or from the weight of the world but what I wish to express is the simplicity, the joy of simply being, and furthermore in the magnificence of being in the love of God.
The path you have chosen is beyond the edifices that have been built by men and their monuments to vanity, and their devotion to the dogmatic. These organized and established ministries are often judged by their material means and the numbers of congregants, rather than spiritual blessings. In the larger world so many seek only the almighty dollar.
You who can find sanctuary in these circles of prayer and often in the church that the Creator made when you go in nature surrounded by beauty have realized that is God’s church. Always remember sanctuary may be a simple thing. It need not be in grandeur or in the feigned safety of the established churches. Let me say, however, that the churches do many, many, good things in the world. And now you have seen as the tide begins to turn, that more and more those churches who are considered among the large organized or orthodox denominations have begun to reach beyond the failure of dogmatic beliefs into simple prayer for God’s love. You have also had a profound effect on many in this regard. Sometimes with just your simply stating, “My religion is God’s love and I ask the Creator to bless my soul with It”. More often than not, the response is “Yes, me too”!
So, be not troubled by the walls that have been built, by the rules and regulations that exist in the world for you have the key that opens the door to the great love of God and that is the key to happiness, real happiness. I tell you I experienced this while still on earth by praying constantly, so that I began to feel my entire being filled with the essence of God. This was very humbling and at the same time brought me great joy that I could share with my family, with my friends, and with the world. May this joy be yours in great abundance. Be still, open your heart. Send your longings to God and allow this love, this light, to come into your souls in any given moment. It is yours for the asking. I thank my beloved for taking this message and for all of you to allow me to speak. It is my great joy to be of service and I send you all my love and my wish for God’s love to be in each of your souls forevermore. I am yours. I am Care.