Messages 2023
Joseph Reflects on the Sensitivities of Having a Son Who Was Different
August 1st, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Dear, beloved souls, I am Joseph, father of Jesus. Many of you have felt different from those who are around you and were around you in your lives. You felt a certain sensitivity within you, a sense that you were not in alignment with much of what others thought and did. Indeed, I had a son who also was different, who also did not follow the crowds, but followed the beat to a different drummer in his life. So many of you are like this because you have within you a sensitivity, some perceptions and feelings, that you felt quite vulnerable having and expressing in the world.
For the world is not a kind place for those who have deeper sensitivities. So many of you hid away, living your life quietly and did not garner attention to yourself. In many ways, this was a gift to you, beloved brothers and sisters. You were able to explore your inner world, to understand those sensitivities within, and in doing so, it brought you to spiritual seeking, a desire to know your inner self. Many of you have come to know God in whatever way that you were led to know. In this search, you have found the truth of Divine Love and how that may nourish your soul. Thus, the inclinations of your soul have led you to this place and God has guided you along the road toward it.
So, I say to you, my friends, those of you who feel different, sense a difference within you and often sense a growing purpose emerging into your consciousness, I want to encourage you, beloved brothers and sisters. I want to assure you that, even though you may feel a difference between yourself and others, you are blessed with this realisation, you are blessed with your sensitivities. You are deeply blessed with the longing of your souls coming and emerging into your consciousness, just as my beloved son understood that he had a purpose, a ministry to fulfil for God. He took this seriously and took on the mantle of a teacher and a healer in our world and in the time that we lived.
I encourage you, my beloved friends, to follow your destinies, to uphold your unique soul and its inclinations, so that you may venture forth in the world unencumbered by fear and worry of judgment, but with strength and desire to be a channel for God, a light for the truth. To be a teacher and a healer as did my beloved son, to walk in the world seeking guidance, seeking to follow God’s Will in your life. So that in this shift of perspective, this acceptance of destiny, you might walk as a light, bringing comfort and truth and light to many, that love may shine through you, my beloved and beautiful friends, just as Jesus walked in the earth and shone his light, and so might you do the same.
The world needs you. The world needs all who may aspire to be a light, to walk in the world as God’s instruments, to be a channel of love, and to grow in this great gift of Love that God gives to you abundantly and readily as you ask for its inflowing. Every day, every moment, may bring to you the opportunities to serve, to be a light. Even as you pray alone, you are a light in the world. As you pray with others, as you do today, you are being a light and supporting and encouraging your brothers and sisters in this truth.
I say to you, there are many more opportunities awaiting each one of you, many unanticipated, many surprising, many astounding in their scope. Where God may take you in the world will be so very surprising to you and unexpected. Yet, there, as you commit yourself more fully with each day in prayer, each day growing in light and love, each day your soul emerging stronger and brighter, you will find your way to many avenues of service, many opportunities to be a channel of love for your brothers and sisters.
Accept God’s offer as he invites you to serve in love, to be a channel of love. Do not shirk from this, for you have all grown enough, you are all mature enough that when there are those who would disparage you, you are not affected or hurt. You’ve grown beyond this vulnerability and you are ready to stand on your two feet and walk with your faith and your desire to serve. In this way, many souls will benefit from your desire to serve, your gifts expressed, your light unfolding into the world.
Be true to this, beloved souls. For as with my beloved son, he had to withstand much ridicule, even from myself, when he walked the Earth. Yet, he stood tall and he is your example. He represents the pinnacle of truth in service and love, and shall always do so for all eternity. May you also be that pinnacle of love and light and truth. May you stand tall and not accept nor be injured by the judgments of others. For as Jesus said once, “they know not what they do. Dear Lord, forgive them.” So, you must say a prayer for those detractors in your life but, also, remain firm and steadfast to the truth. You are strong within your souls and capable in many ways.
Have faith in yourself. Have faith in God, in God’s Will and plan, and you will be protected, and the path will be lit, and you will know the joy of being in service to the great Creator of all. God bless you, my friends. I am Joseph and I love you, all who are lights in the world. I have great admiration for your strength, your tenacity, and your deep desire for truth. May you continue on this road and be mightily blessed by your efforts. God bless you all in His Love. My love is with you. God bless you.