Messages 2023
Service and Leadership
January 9th, 2023
Nashville, Tenn, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I come in the love of God your brother and friend Francis. I come into this circle with my Claire; her sisterhood and my brotherhood embracing all of humankind in the love of God. It is said one cannot be in two places at once and the Master told us one cannot serve two masters. So, the conundrum on the earth plane for those seeking spiritual progression is: “How do I choose God and live and work in the world, if I can only choose one master”? Many of course, choose lives of service because in doing so one can make a living and as well as nourish their souls and be a blessing to others. But I tell you this, when you choose to follow to the path of God, when you choose Divine Love, Divine truth, you need not decide what to do in the world, for whatever you do will be informed by that choice. And whether your choice be humble or high you bring your soul into the equation and into your work and you touch others. We often come to assist you in this, drawn by the love, drawn by your intentions, drawn by your openheartedness. And we attempt to influence those around you that feel the touch of God’s love. And though we of course cannot interfere with their free will, we can influence and inspire them to inquire: “What is that I am feeling from you?” Quite often those who come are in crisis. They may be in a state of shock and in need of great healing, perhaps they are even in darkness. And again, in anything you are engaged in, you can bring the love in your souls to them. You can bring peace, you can bring calm, and if they are open you can bring, (as you do in this circle) the great gift of prayer so that God may touch their souls.
For those who wish to serve it is important to distinguish between serving God and the need for recognition. For every soul cries out for love and in doing so often makes choices that are not truly loving but only momentarily satisfying. When the failure of these choices confronts one, the wonderful opportunity of crying out to God, of praying for help, for healing, comes to the fore. Some leaders of course discover the path of service, and it does transform them, but more often than not in the history of the world, those who choose service became leaders because their connection with God gave them, inspiration, gave them insight, gave them the guidance that could lead others. When you do this my brothers and sisters we rejoice, and God shines His light into your souls.
Thank you for allowing us to come tonight. It is our honor and privilege to speak to such beautiful souls that you truly are. Your open hearts touch us, and we shall step back into the silence and sanctity of this communion in the love of God. I thank you. Claire thanks you. We love you. May God bless you.