Messages 2023
Soul Qualities
March 6th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I am here Amon. I come in the love in the love of God from a sphere high in the Celestial heavens and I can tell you of the journey the soul, born on earth, living a life, transitioning to spirit, and being changed into a new being. I am considered the mother of humankind and therefore I can represent all mothers and the nurturing qualities of the female gender. When Aman and I lived so many centuries ago in the paradise of the new earth, in the safety and beauty of the natural world, this love that we were born with seemed so great that I can tell you the moral of our story is quite simple. In our own happiness in the natural love, we felt as if wec were gods of a sort and not needing of the great gift that our Creator had offered us. We felt as rulers of our own kingdom and in our self-satisfaction, our hubris, our - you may even call it arrogance, we rejected the gift and hence began the long fall of humankind. Yet, the thread of the human love continued and the promise of the re-bestowal of Divine Love that had been withdrawn; that promise remained. And with the birth of the Master, it was re-bestowed.
It is said that intuition and feeling and empathy are womanly qualities or perhaps it is better to say they are more prevalent in females. And it is believed and said that intellectual abilities and craftsmanship and such qualities are endemic in males. And so there is some truth to all that. But as anyone who has studied history knows, there have been women with extraordinary intellectual capacities outshining all men and women. And there have been men with such deep feeling, particularly musicians, that could lift and nurture a soul in the feeling of love. So what I wish to give to you is that the soul transcends the stereotype and the generalization of inherent qualities attributed to females and males alike. When one lives in their soul and receives this great gift that embraces the masculine and the feminine in the Divine, oh how wonderful that is! This you have been given and it is this that you can share. So, celebrate the masculine the feminine and appreciate and empathize with all, but rejoice in the great gift that lifts every soul in God’s love. That embraces this world, all worlds. For God is the Source of all, His love upholds the Universe, and is given to each one who truly asks for it.
There is much I could say about my own journey, the rise and fall, the waiting, the remorse and finally the redemption. But suffice it to say that each life experiences this perhaps in an encapsulated way and we empathize and embrace you all. And we also honor you who come to ask in a humility that we did not possess, in your humbleness, in the openness of your hearts and your souls. We honor you, all women, all men, all humankind.
I thank you for this time for I do not come here often, and I am grateful that my brother was willing. I can tell you the multitudes that are with here you tonight will lift you in your prayer to receive the showering of God’s love. May it be upon you forevermore. With all my love and the blessings of God I join you now. I am Amon.
Note Many messages have been received from this pair and they can be read here.