Messages 2023
Souls in Transition
August 28th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
I come, I am John. When you read the words in the prayer given by the Master referring to the soul as being the greatest of all God’s creations, made in His image with the great possibility of becoming at one in very substance with The Creator, remember you are a soul. A soul that longs to be free from the chains of mortality and yet clings, some of you so tenaciously, to the mortal coil; this being a human quality, the desire to survive.
As you pass now through these immense changes, through the crucible of severity, knowing in your souls that this is leading to something new, something prayed for, wished for, be at peace in God’s grace. To put this in perspective, one need not find oneself in the middle of a billion galaxies, although that awareness will surely humble one to the greatness of God, to recognize the great soul of the Creator and divine love that is the true center of the universe. When one connects with the soul of God, truly one is at the center of the universe.
Just as these changes upon the earth will lead as promised to something very new, I wish to remind you that the changes in a soul receiving the love of God lead to the new birth, a magnificence, and a glory far beyond the changes on earth. All these changes in transformation are welcomed and so we continue to guide you through these times, to recommend prayer, to protect you, to carry you, to support the change in you from this mortal existence to divine angel. There is no landlord in spirit, though one may have to pay the price required to progress. This you know but also you know the divine love transcends the dynamics of soul purification required of those who are not on this path. In the love of God be merciful. In the love of God be kind and gentle. In the love of God be forgiving. In the love of God, love your enemies, even those who may feel they are at odds with you. One day, the light shall shine upon them, as it has shone on you. This light from the soul of God. This love, it is the gift, the great gift.
I shall step back in this beautiful prayer and with all my love and the blessings of the Father wish you every good and perfect gift, in His love. I am your brother in Christ, an apostle, and a redeemed soul. I am John. Go in peace. God loves you. Go in peace.