Messages 2023
Friendship and Similar Journey with Grace Jordan
January 28th, 2023
Received by Al Fike
I am Barbara and I am close to this dear instrument for I see him as my son and I love him dearly and indeed, I do know your mother, Grace and we have prayed together and communicated in many ways and on many things. For we are both newly born into the Celestial Kingdom. She and I have made a similar journey, and understand each other well. You see how this collaboration continues to grow and we continue to work to help knit together this community of like-minded souls on the path Divine, seeking the Love. Everyone is different. Everyone has very unique perspective, understanding of the truth. Yet indeed, the commonality, that which draws you all together is a recognition that your souls have been touched by the Father’s love, that you have come to know a great blessing, a gift that is with you always and you are continuing to discover the depth and breadth of this touch that is transforming you daily. How far can you go on this journey while still on the Earth? Indeed, there are no limitations. There are only those limitations that you put upon yourself. As you grow in love I urge you to put efforts forth to uphold your brothers and sisters, those who are downtrodden, those who are lost in darkness. They are God’s children as well and you cannot turn your back upon a brother or sister in need. It is easy to rationalize within you a reason why you would not reach out to those in need. The entire world does this constantly. But until those at the bottom are lifted up, how can this world truly be changed? Until there is more equanimity and there is a balance where there is love and acknowledgement for all, how can the world change?
Each of you is challenged because you have not really known want. You have had a life that in many regards has been privileged. You are, at the top of that great chain of human endeavour but you cannot take for granted your position in what has been in your life. Rather, you must be humble and realize that God has gifted you in many ways and because you are rich in God’s love you are well fed and cared for, you must share, share the wealth, share the love in whatever way is reasonable for you, whatever way you allow yourself to do so. God will guide you to help others. Do not let your biases and your fears get in the way. Rather, be God’s humble servants.
In my day, I was ministering to many who were homeless and downtrodden, who were lost, who were very disturbed and abused and all of these things that are part of peoples’ lives. You, my dear friends, have avoided much of these conditions, not because you intended to but because of your life. You were not exposed in any great degrees to these conditions. Yet, when the world is in great need and the time comes when this will be the case, then all that you need will be disturbed in great fear, anger, confusion. If you can now reach out to those in this condition, which are not so many, then you prepare yourself for the future and your instrumentality. You also do God’s work, upholding those in need. For God does not abandon any of His children. God upholds all. You have been very fortunate because you are aware of this. You understand that you are loved by God. You must help others understand the same so that they too may feel and know the benefits of a loving God.
I suggest you pray at the beginning of each day to be an instrument, that God may guide you and show you the way so that you may be consciously aware. A door is opening for you. Opportunities placed in front of you. This was my daily practice and much unfolded in my day and each and every day so that I might be God’s instrument in the world so that I might express love, caring, upholding my brothers and sisters. Some of you are gifted in this way. Some of you are not. But I implore each of you to try, to accept the offer that God gives and makes to you to uphold his children to work in some way to clear away the debris of the human condition around another so that light may penetrate and hope may be alive within them.
The world is in great need. The world is starved for love. The world is very dysfunctional and many suffer from this. It is for those who are strong and in the light to counteract the actions of men who are without a heart, who do not love but instead take for themselves whatever they want and leave nothing for others. These men, as you well know, will suffer consequences in time, and it is unfortunate that you must step forward into these dark conditions and help bring about healing and rectify the wrongs that have been done. This is the world in which you live and you have prayed to be God’s channels of love and so I urge you to come to know, and understand what that means and where you might go as God’s instruments. There is much work to do. There are many waiting for you. There are many suffering, many alone and confused, aching within themselves, needing love, desire upliftment and yet not knowing where to go, how to obtain this healing of the soul. Do not keep your light to yourselves. Do not hide away but be a forward expression of light in the world.
I’m very glad to be with you this evening to speak to you. For you have spoken of me and you draw me close as you have your dear mother and others. You are surrounded by many, some to seek to uphold you and others who seek the truth that you carry. Others are curious, yet, indeed, there are many spirits who surround you all. Know that you are being protected and that I was always protected as I ventured forth into the world, no matter how dark that corner, that place where I found some dear soul in need, I was protected and so shall you be, my friends. You be protected and guided, and the touch of God will be upon you.
May God bless you upon these journeys that you take as you continue to seek out truth. May you come to know truth in all its depth and meaning and dimensions so that you may grow within your soul and come to know your true self, all the goodness that is within you, all the potential that resides within you just waiting to be touched by the Father’s love, your gifts exploding in light, your perceptions deepening, your capacity to love expanding. These things are there, waiting for you to grasp, to embrace and to accept as God gives to you everything that you may need upon your journey. May God bless you, my beloveds, my beautiful friends, my beautiful son and his beautiful wife. I love you so. I continue to watch your progesss and to be with you as you travel. We are truly bonded in love and that shall be forever, forever a family of love. God bless you. I am Barbara and I love you. God bless you.