Messages 2023
Technology and Inter-stellar Support
March 26th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Welcome, beloved friends. I am Orion. As many of you know, I come from a planet far beyond your own, although within the Milky Way Galaxy. I come in effort and desire to help uplift my brothers and sisters for truly you are my brothers and sisters. Every individual in the universe that possesses a soul is linked inextricably and powerfully together because they are brothers and sisters, children of God. Some of you see me as a friend. Others wonder and are suspicious. Some think of me as some character out of a science fiction novel. But in truth, I am real. I am here with you, if not in the flesh, certainly in the spirit.
I come today to speak of technology and its role in society. Without the functioning of technology on my planet, I would not be here today for I am allowed the privilege of travelling from my physical body which I possess to coming here with my spirit body to this place. This is a gift. Technology allows my physical body to be sustained over a long period of time while I visit you for that duration of time. I come to help encourage you and uplift you, to reassure you, to be one of God’s instruments, to help educate you and to be a channel of love for you.
Technology in itself is not an evil thing. God gives humanity and all creatures in the universe who posses a soul as I have just said, the capacity to invent and create. The crucial factor in this invention and creation is doing so with wisdom and a balance that includes the sensitivities and wisdom of the soul with that of the creative mind, which in our case, is the soul. In this way, whatever is created is done so in harmony with the Laws of God’s Creation. So, we are able to create things that you cannot imagine and we have done so for the benefit of all. It is a way in which we may enhance our lives and bring greater harmony to them.
In the case of your planet’s attitudes and ambitions, much of what you have created has turned against you because it is not in harmony with God’s Laws of Creation. It is created for the purpose of greater control, power, and wealth, all things that feed physical desire rather than spiritual intention. Yet, indeed, are you not benefitting from technology at this very moment as we connect together through the wires as your angel friends are fond of calling it? This is a great benefit to you, is it not? For now you feel a part of a community, a community of like-minded souls who come together in prayer. You may see one another. You may reach out with your words and your feelings toward one another. These expressions are not lost because you are so far removed from one another. Rather, your angel friends and ourselves and others utilize these technologies in ways that allow a weaving together of souls. You are increasing the power of love bonds between you as a result of these moments together. You are becoming brothers and sisters truly without the great burden of travel and effort to be together in the flesh. What a gift this is! Yes, some things are truly a gift. In many cases, most of that which has been invented by man can be a gift, a blessing for all, if utilized in the right way.
So, how is a balance achieved, my friends? How is wisdom brought to the consciousness of man? It is not by deduction and mental processes that this can happen readily. Rather, it is by that which you are expressing and doing at this moment, in loving prayer and acknowledgment of God, acknowledgment of one another, acknowledgment of the Truth of His Love. These powerful truths and expressions in the universe are the key to creating knowledge, wisdom, harmony, and balance. This must be achieved before what you create turns against you to such a degree that all is lost in chaos and inharmony.
Thus, we are making great efforts from very many angles and approaches to help uplift humanity and educate humanity so to show them the way to that place of wisdom, balance and love. You have heard this call. You have come to understand within your consciousness the power of prayer, the power of connecting to the Creator of All Things, the One who is the Source of All Love. So, as you are nurtured and as you feed upon this Source which is unlimited and is willing and eager to bless you in great abundance, so you may grow in wisdom. The strength of love shines within you and shines ever brighter with each prayer. In time, great insights will be given to you, my friends. You will see beyond the limitations of your mind. You will know beyond the limitations of your human perspective. You will have wisdom beyond measure, for you are exhibiting the next step of human evolution. Every planet must go through these steps to a degree depending upon their free will choices, depending upon that which they express and focus upon.
You must transition from a condition that is ruled by the flesh and the desires of the body to that higher place of spirit and soul. This transition will not be easy upon this world because the vast majority are addicted to the pleasures of the flesh and all the ramifications thereof. I do not just speak of sexual pleasure here but all forms of pleasure, all forms of addiction that bring comfort and desire to the body and the mind. This is the way of your world and it is stuck within a low plane of vibration and consciousness that needs to be jarred free from its addictions and come to that place where all of humanity is willing to release them and be freed within the Truth of Love. When this is accomplished, then you will find great strides in technologies and abilities.
You will connect with us and many others in the universe. The great dreams of humanity will be realized, not in the way that they imagine but in the way that is true for the universe, laws obeyed and utilized, for all of you to expand and advance within your being as well as collectively so that the light that is created will draw others in the universe who are of that light. This may happen quickly, my friends, depending upon how humanity reacts to the coming years and times of upheaval and recalibration in your world.
It is for you to share these truths and for you to personally understand in a deep way what these truths entail, what is important, and how to enact these truths within your life. In this way you become an example for many. Also, you become an agent to challenge many. If but 15% of your population were to follow the path that you follow, to discover the truths that you know, and enact them in their lives, there would be no need for the upheavals and challenges that are coming in the physical plane. The power of that minority would change the spiritual conditions of your world permanently. So, it is important that you continue to act together in congress with God’s Will and plan to awaken humanity. The tipping point will come one way or another. In the end, God’s Will will be done for it has and is the case in the universe. You will be a part of great change, great awakenings, and a great shift of consciousness in the universe, my friends.
I am honoured to be a part of this, to be with you at the beginnings of it, and to share with you the witnessing of a great healing of your world. May we be together in this as you are with many others of light, your angel friends and the bright spirits. May we band together in a formidable force of light, a force for truth, a force for love and to walk upon this Earth as a light true and in alignment with God. It is simple, my friends. But oh, in such a world as yours, how difficult it is to manifest this with every breath. Yet, this we ask of you. This we are with you to uphold, to inspire, to bless you with whatever gifts and means available to us.
Continue to have faith in the process of transformation, faith that ensures that within you, you recognize, acknowledge, and embrace that which is changing in your being and consciousness. Having faith that when you observe and encourage and add to the transformation of your world, faith that indeed God’s plan will bring harmony in time and change your world to a place of light. This all comes with your efforts and ours and God’s intention. May you continue to pray for the healing of your world, for the blessings that may come, and for the upliftment of humanity so that many will come to the joy of realization, the healing of their souls, that they may release readily those dark conditions around them, so they may truly know freedom, freedom of want, freedom from a lack of love, that they may truly be within the reality of love.
May God bless you all. I am Orion and I hope I have made my intentions clear, my desire to uphold and support you all. You may call upon me and I will certainly come to help uplift you and to embrace you in love. I am, as are many, an instrument of God’s Will and blessings and Light. So, I shall be with you, another who has the honour to serve and to be a witness to the great evolution of humanity. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.