Messages 2023
The Firm Foundations of Prayer and Faith
February 9th, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
My dear kind mice, it is I, Claire. I come with many in the love of God in answer to your prayers. For The Father sends us, and we joyfully come.
It is important when building a community to have a firm foundation. When you make your foundation prayer, when you awake in gratitude for the day, when you allow every circumstance that may turn you around from unconsciousness to grace, you become firmly planted upon the path of Divine Love.
You have chosen wisely and more and more can begin you see the results of your prayers, of your intentions. Carrying the love in your souls even without the words with a song in your heart on the wings of love, lifts all. You have done much for many seen and unseen, and as you walk into the future, you will reach the multitudes with our assistance if it is your will to be in God’s will.
The blessings that come with every kindness are a treasure, are a light, are a peace upon the dark and troubled waters of this world. I ask you to persist not only for the sake of your souls, but for the sake of this world. May your beautiful souls continue to awaken, that you may not only bring the consciousness of Christ to others but that you may know you are worthy, you are blessed, beyond a doubt.
Do not fear for your lives, for the love of God lives on endlessly. Know this in your souls. Walk in faith. This is the courage that faith brings, the faith that comes from the receiving of God’s love and its work upon your souls. I speak for all of us here this evening to those upon the earth. We wish you peace, great peace. We wish you love, God’s love. We wish you healings in body, mind, and soul, to whatever extent is possible within the laws of God’s universe. Carry this love, carry this joy in the lightness of your being, ever blessed, everlasting. I shall step back to be with you for a few moments in quiet in this sacred prayer of this circle. With all my love, in the love of God, I am Claire.