Messages 2023
The Power of God’s Blessings is Stronger than Any Other Force in The Universe
August 25th, 2023
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God bless you beloved souls, I am Matthew. Yes, there are great troubles in your world. A world subject to the whims of man, a world subject to the forces of nature, a world subject to the blessings of God. All of these dynamic forces are part of your daily life whether you are aware of them or not. It is for us who wish to teach you and uphold you, to inform you of those blessings that may come to you by the forces of God’s expressions in the universe, God’s expressions upon this world.
The power of God’s blessings is far greater than any other force, anything in creation. As you go to the source, you will find that these blessings will pour upon you with your request, earnest prayers, desires and efforts to be close. As you seek for this greatest of all blessings, the Divine Love of God, the essence of His Soul conveyed by the Holy Spirit upon you, so you open the door to many blessings, much that may come and touch you deeply, uphold you greatly, bring you into greater light, greater love, greater joy, greater insight, greater perception.
This is not all that you are seeking, my beloved souls. You seek to grow spiritually. You seek to avoid the calamities of your world and those that may befall you in your personal life. I say to you, beloved souls, you are progressing in the light and therefore avoiding much that can be darkness and suffering in your life. Yet, the journey cannot be taken for granted. You cannot rest upon your previous efforts and think that this is enough. For in truth, on the road of progression, there is never enough. There is always more to be given, more to receive, more to experience, more to grow within so that you may be a beautiful light, a strong light upon this earth.
I know there are times when you are not particularly in attunement with these great blessings. That for one reason or another you find yourself out of harmony with them. Because you live on the earthly plane, this is understandable. Yet, you keep coming to the well, the great living waters of God’s Love, over and over again, asking over and over again, seeking again and again because you know the Source. You know the antidote to all that ails you, all that ails the world. I urge you to seek the great Hand of God upon you, to live in the light of God’s Touch, both within you and around you, to be that soul seeking for the highest, aspiring to be that beautiful light, to be a gift in the world. For God will gift you with many blessings. God has already gifted you with many gifts and capacities to be a channel of light in the world. It is for you to understand, to be in alignment with, to seek out these gifts within you.
No one else can do this for you, beloved souls. It is for you and you alone to discover your true self and all that comprises your true self. For within you is a being, is an aspect of yourself that you do not know well, that you cannot understand without this struggle, desire, and effort. The more you can apply the truths that you know, the more you are in alignment with God, the more you pray to awaken to all that is within you and all that is of God, then you will come to know the treasures hidden within. You will come to know a life different from that that is strictly of the material. Dimensions of life, of reality, of truth will be open to you, beloved brothers and sisters. These dimensions will be vast and complex, intriguing, and full of wondrous and extraordinary experiences.
What more do you wish for in your life, beloved souls of God? Many of you have experienced many things. You have lived a full life. You have known what it is to live, both in the way of pain and the way of joy. This is the time for you to step forward into the multi-dimensional reality of God, to be in that place so resplendent in the wonderment of God’s creation, in the power of God’s Love, in the dimensions of who and what is God. Are you willing to go with me in prayer to these places? For I long to take you there, my friends. I long for you to have the insights and experiences of a soul awakened, awakened in love, so that you may see and know, feel and experience the depth and breadth of God, His great creation.
It awaits you, a prize that comes with earnest and sincere effort, prayer, desire, a blessing that is beyond all other blessings, a fate that will take you into greater light, greater truth, and greater experiences. For I know that your souls thirst and long for this, and we who are with you know that in time you will come to know these things, to experience the extraordinary, the beauty, and the wonders that are of God. Follow me now into this light. Open yourselves, feel the yearnings of your soul, and know that you are truly one of God’s children, seeking the affirmation that you are truly loved.
God bless you. I am Matthew, and I love you dearly. Beloved brothers and sisters, upon the Path Divine, knock on the door, seek the light, and it shall be yours forevermore. Beloved souls.