Messages 2023
The Winds of Change
November 30th, 2023
Running Springs, CA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, my friends, I am Elijah. The winds of change are blowing into your souls. You feel its tempest calling to you, urging you to open to God, urging you to open to your true selves, urging you to make those changes that are in harmony with your souls being transformed by the great gift of God’s Love.
Change is everywhere, and it is part of a cycle upon your Earth. It is part of the flow of souls through your Earth. It is part of everything upon this planet. Change is everywhere. If you wish to ignore these changes, to ignore the power of change and the Will of God that brings change, then you do so at your peril. If you cannot change with the winds, the tides, the atmosphere of your Earth and all that is contained within it, then you are wilfully ignoring God and what God is infusing into this world of yours great currents of change. Great aspects of the earthly body and conditions that are of the Divine. Divine creation that is now responding to the Will and Hand of God upon it.
You will not escape change, so you can only go with the change. Accept it. Have insight into what it means and how it may be expressed in your life as you adjust to those things that are changing all around you. The strength, the impetus, the wisdom, the ability to change with the times comes with the great inflowing and blessing of God’s Love within you and the power of that love changing you from within.
You are given the insights, the wisdom, the compassion, the strength, the ability to live in a changing world. To be a part of a changing world. When you do not resist, you become a part of what is meant to be in the great flow of God’s Will and intention for His creation, His Earth, His world, His universe.
Obedience to God is not a popular idea, nor is it well understood. When one is in alignment with God, in alignment with God’s creation, in alignment with God’s laws, then it is not an onerous thing to be obedient to these things. It is an expression of wisdom, a capacity to understand, to live with, and to flow with the ever-changing conditions of your earthly plane.
Seek out God. Not God in this amorphous, mindful understanding of God, but God as your Creator, your Heavenly Father, one who loves you so. The Great White Spirit. The many names of God that have been proffered by humanity. These names are not meant to cause distance but to give greater understanding and greater connection with your Creator, who longs to acknowledge you, love you and be with you in all that you are and all that He has created within you. That these things may blossom forth in such beauty, such wonderment, such light and such love.
Be that individual, that soul that seeks to be realised, awakened, and a part of, in a conscious way within that great flow of life. The great Will of God and all that comes with this, all that is meant to be in your world. For God will give you the insight and the ability to know, the ability to change, the ability to accept all that is meant to be, all that is part of this change. It comes as His Essence infills you, awakens you and strengthens you. In a world that is half asleep, your brothers and sisters have no idea what is coming. They prefer the comfort of this somnambulistic state, this condition that does not allow them to see clearly, to awaken fully.
You are awake, my friends. You continue to awaken. Do not reject what you see, know and understand and all the things that come with the awakened condition of your soul. Do not reject these things, no matter how difficult they are to understand, to gaze upon, to absorb in your consciousness. Come to it in love, in reverence of what God has created and what God intends for the world. In this way, you will find peace. You will find joy. You will find wisdom. You will know how truly God loves you and loves the world. Without God’s interventions, without these changes that come, the world will be lost in the turmoil, the darkness of that which is against and out of alignment with His laws and with what is meant to be in this world.
Indeed, God intends and makes possible the openings, the way home to that which is in harmony. This way will be taught to you all. You will know it and know it to be true, and live it as truth.
My beloved friends, we beseech you to continue to open yourselves to the ways of God, to the ways of truth. To understand this universe in which you are a part, and to understand your part within it, so that you may be in harmony with the great universe, all that is, and in harmony with God and all that God is, in harmony with yourself and all that you are. It is the great quest for harmony that continues to be a part of this wind of change upon you. It shall be so. In time, harmony will prevail, and so will you in light, love and truth.
I am Elijah and I love you. I love you. God bless you beloved souls, seeker of truths. Blessed souls, part of God’s plan. Wondrous souls in the great flow of God’s Will. God bless you. I am with you upon this journey. I shall continue to flow and be a part of all that is meant to be and all that is.
We are one. One together. One in light. One in truth. One in love. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls. My love is with you. God bless you.