Messages 2023
There is an Angel Assigned to Each One of Us
October 12th, 2023
Laurelville, PA, U.S.A.
Received by Al Fike
There is an angel, an angel that will be with you for the duration of this time together. If you wish to be close to that angel that God has given you, be high in your thoughts, in your intentions, in all that you do in this time together. Be truly in alignment with God and all will come to pass as has been promised.
Beloved souls, you stand on the precipice of great change. So you must take that leap of faith and be with God. Release all conditions, all parts of yourself that are not in harmony with God. All thoughts must be pure. All intentions loving and for the highest. All desires deep and welling up from within, seeking your connection with your Creator. In this way the fulfillment of God’s plan for you, the fulfillment of your soul’s desire for yourself will come and be realised.
May God bless you, beloved souls. I am Seretta Kem and I come to encourage you upon this journey, a journey we take together and shall take us to many places provided you are willing and you desire deeply to be a part of this. Experience what must come and unfold in God’s plan for each of you. God bless you, beloved souls. Seretta Kem loves you. We are all with you. We are all close. Seek the love. Pray earnestly. So we rise up into the light together. God bless you.